Chapter Twenty Two

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The next morning when I woke up from the restless sleep, I gathered everyone and the competition tickets before we headed to our bus and to the competition just around the corner. It was close enough for use to walk but with all our luggage and costumes, it was easier tot take the bus.

I was sat with Alexis on the bus as she was jumping with excitement, he eyes were wide as she looked at the other studios w=entering the building and all the people who had come to watch the competition. I carried her into the dressing room with our name written above the door so I didn't lose her or she didn't become to overwhelmed that she wouldn't dance today.

"Okay Girls. The Duos are up first. So everyone in the Duo get into your costume." I said and helped Alexis into hers while Paige did her hair and put a tiny bit of makeup on her while I was getting into my costume behind the black curtain. As I walked out I heard mu phone ringing.

It was strange because no one ever rings me, they always text and I ring them. I looked at the number and it wasn't a number I recognised. I stepped out of the room no one noticing with all the commotion happening about the dances and making sure their hair was the same as the other peoples in the dances. Everyone who didn't have a duo was dressed in the group dance costume as that was the next set of dances we had.

"Hello?" I said into the phone unsure of who it was.

"Hi, is this Brooke Hyland?" It was a lady who sound as if she was apart of the authority.

"This is she." I replied.

"I'm a social worker and I'm working on Alexis Greene's case." Oh So her last name is Greene.

"Oh How may I help you?" I asked. I wanted to know if there was anything I could do. I mean I wanted to keep her as my own but if the social worker didn't think that was right then I wouldn't argue.

"I was wondering how long she had been staying in your care."

"Um... About a week. I found her on the way to work crying outside an abandoned building she was famished so I took her to work with me and fed her. I'm working on her confidence and bringing it back. She comes to work with me and she interacts with everyone there. She's final starting to get it back." I explained.

"Wow, that's amazing. How are you coping with her because if she's so much trouble. I could come take her off your hands right now. But if it's oaky. I was wondering if she could stay with you for a little while longer until I found someone to adopt her." The social worker said. I knew it was a bold choice asking her this but I wanted you know. I wanted it to happen.

"What if I wanted to adopt her. Is that possible?" I asked. There was silence on the other end and I began to get anxious.

"Yes as long as you're over 18 you can adopt but I would have to come and inspect the place you're living and you're interaction with her. but can I ask, where do you work? What did you mean by interaction?"

"Oh, I'm a dance Teacher, Alexis sometimes joins in with the dancers as a matter of fact she's performing in about an hour in a competition with me. She's really excited."

"Where's this competition to?" She asked.

"I'm not sure of the name but it is the outskirts of Pittsburgh. Why?" I asked.

"Oh, I live on the outskirts of Pittsburgh and I did hear a thing about a dance competition. Do you mind if I come and watch you and Alexis, the adoption might go through quicker."

"Sure. Go straight through to the auditorium and someone from our team will meet you there." I said.

£Okay. Thank you. see you soon."

"Bye." I ended the call and headed back into the room and quickly rushed to have my hair done and my makeup although my hair was pretty much already done. it was to be curled and down with a beehive in the front. It took five minutes and my makeup took longer. I had to have my makeup perfect or I wasn't leaving the room.

"Brooke. I need the bathroom." Alexis said holding herself doing a little dance. I asked Chloe to take her because I had to speak to Paige.

"So, I spoke to the social worker who is working on what happened to Alexis." I started and her head shot up.

"What?" She gasped.

"Yeah she rang me and is on her way here to see Alexis perform with me. I also asked her if I was eligible to adopt her. She said I could as long as there was a loving bond between the two of us." I summed it up for her. "I also said that, someone would meet her outside the auditorium before the division started to show her to where the rest of you were sitting. Would you wait for her?" I asked and she nodded.

"I'm proud of you, you know. You don't care about hurting your family. you are not abandoning that kid." She said and I smiled. "Oh and Mom called while you were speaking to the social worker, she said she's already in the auditorium watching the other dances because she didn't think you wanted to see her and get flustered before you went on stage to dance," She said and I smiled gratefully.

"No I didn't actually. I would have let Alexis down. I told her we're going to win and I intend to live up to that." I said with a smile. I hugged my sister before heading out to find Alexis and taking the other girls back stage waiting for their number to be called.

Get a call from social services. Asking about Alexis

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