Chapter Thirty

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It's Alexis birthday and we had cancelled all lessons for the day. They preparing for the party, while I was distracting her. I sat with her as she opened her presents that I had brought for her.

So far she had opened is 2 personalised bears with her name on, dolls and a tea set, she had a TV for her room. She also has a dance bag personalised and some new dance wear. She still had more presents and I was taking her to get some clothes. She needed some clothes that weren't second hand. I was excited to spend the day with her without having other people tag along. Since I met her 3 weeks ago I haven't had long with her. I really enjoy spending time and getting to know her. I haven't even had time to tell her she was staying with me for the rest of her life. I wanted to tell her she was my adopted daughter now and I really wanted to see what her reactioN would be.
"Brooke?" Alexis asked running into my room. "Can I have some sweets please? Before we go out." she asked and I nodded. She was already on a sugar high but it was her birthday so I'll let her off. She'll be excited for her party.

"Wait Lexi. Before you have more sweets you need to get dressed. We're gonna go shopping. Get you so new clothes. " I said. I had given her an outfit for her birthday and she was excited to put it on. I curled her hair slightly and she turned in our room and jumped up and down.

"This is really pretty. I love it." She said looking in the mirror and fingered her hair.

"Glad you like it. We're gonna get you alot more clothes." I said she clapped happily and ounces down the stairs to eat more of her birthday sweets. I laughed and followed her down the stairs. I text Paige telling her to text me when they were set up and I would bring her over.

We headed out the door hand in hand and headed towards the mall. The first shops we went into she didn't want to spend my money on her. I didn't mind spending it and it took her a while to agree to spending it that when we went into other shops with her arms full of outfits to try on and she liked all of them.

She wasn't sure weather to buy them all because they were pretty. She went to put the clothes she didn't want back but I kept them and brought them anyway.

She was loving shopping and I was smiling at her face when we walked out with bags full of clothes, shoes and hair accessories.

We then went to get some dinner and decided to treat her to MacDonalda. she told me she had never had macdonalds that her mom didn't let her go out on family days out with them.
"What do you want?" I asked her as she looked around on amazement.
"Chicken nuggets and carrot sticks please." She said to the cashier. We weren't waiting very long before Our food was brought out to us. I had ordered a salad. She was enjoying eating the fatty foods. I enjoyed having her around and smiling so much. I liked this Alexis. This Alexis was a smart beautiful little girl, she was different here then she was at dance or around the rest of my family. I still had to tell her about me adopting her and how I was her new mommy.
"Hey Lexi. I need to ask you something. " I paused and took her hand in mine. I took a deep breath. "How would you me to be your new mommy?" I asked and I saw her eyes widen.

"can you? Really?" She asked jumping up and down in her seat.

"Yes. That's another birthday present. Me becoming your mommy if you want." I replied

"Yes please. I want you to be my mommy. Can I call you mommy?" She asked me looking wide eyes innocently.

"You can call me mommy, Brooke whatever you wanna call me." I said and she jumped to hug me. I smiled, I had one happy little girl.

After the food, we went out to a few more shops and I brought her a necklace with her name on it and then I got a text about heading to the studio. Sending a quick reply. I helped her change into one of her dresses and we headed to the studio.

"Before we go home, I need to get something from the studio it won't take long." I told her.

As we pulled up infront of the studio, I got her out and unlocked the entrance door. We went through to the biggest studio space and I turned on the lights.

"SURPRISE!" everyone yelled. There was a disco ball and a glittery light with a dance floor. As a dance party. She hugged all her friends and we played song where they were dancing to. They all looked like they were having fun and I walked out the room feeling a little flustered. I slid down the wall and felt the cold hit my back I put my head in my hands and sat there.

"Brooke? You Okay?" Paige asked stepping out.

"I'm fine." I said looking up. "I told her, I told her about the adoption." I said. She smiled.

"Then why do you look upset?" She asked.

"No reason. I'm just not feeling to well." I told her and she helped me stand up. Well the bouncy castle is in studio A for the little ones if you wanna go on in there and I'll send them in." She told me and I nodded heading into studio A. I saw the bouncy castle with dancers on the side.

The mini dancers came dunning in hyped up on sugar and as soon as they saw the bouncy castle they kicked off their shoes and ran onto the bouncy castle and giggling as they fell.

I could tell they were having fun and I loved seeing Alexis laughing. After an hour of watching and then joining them, it was time for food. There was a load of unhealthy snacks and we dug into anything we wanted.

We were telling stories about each other before it was time to go home.

Once everyone left and it was just us left, I dropped Mackenzie and Chloe home before travelling back. I smiled at a sleeping Alexis picking her up and taking her to our bed. "Mommy...?" I stopped in my tracks. She called me mommy...

"Yeah Lexi?"

"Thank you for an amazing birthday. I love you." She thanked. This made me smile.

"I love you too."

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