Chapter Nine

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The next morning I was up nice and early preparing the schedule for today. We were only have the competition team in for rehearsals before anyone can join the studio tomorrow. I had Mackenzie working on the flexibility, Paige working on jazz and Chloe working on technique and ballet. I was working with Mackenzie on flexibility as well as contemporary dance.

I was sat eating breakfast when Paige can ed down dressed ready for today.

"This is it!" She squealed. "We're finally ready to beat Abby."

I nodded and continued to eat. I just wanted to hurry up and leave for the studio as fast as possible. I wanted time to look around the place properly without rushing back to the dancers.

"Okay. Paige are you ready to go?" I asked she nodded and I grabbed my car keys before heading out the door ready for a busy day ahead. It was our first day running the studio and Gianna's first day working at a studio somewhere other than Abby's. At least she won't be yelled at here, she's part of the family here.

I was on my way to the studio when I heard sobbing out the window by an abandoned building. I stopped the car by the pathway and went to investigate the sobbing of a possible child.

As suspected, it was a girl who couldn't have been older than 5 years old. I bent down next to her and sat in silence rubbing her back until her sobbing became whimpers.

She looked up at me when wet eyes. "Are you okay?" I whispered with concern

She nodded. "Who are you?" She asked in a tiny voice.

"I'm Brooke." I told her. Her eyes widened as she looked at me in shock.

"Brooke from dance moms?" She squealed all the tears had disappeared.

"I used to be on dance moms not anymore. I have my own studio with my sister." I told her smiling.

"I wished I could dance like you." she whispered.

"Maybe you can, ask your parents." I told her. I wanted her to dance at the studio she was cute and sweet. Even if they couldn't pay I wouldn't want her to be more upset.

"I don't know where my parents are." She said looking at me.

"Why? Did they go out or something?" I asked. I was concerned that she was alone and didnt know where her parents were.

"They told me we were moving and we were packed and ready to go but I left my teddy in my room. When I got back, they were gone. They left me this note but I don't know what it says." She explained. I felt my heart break, she was abandoned by her parents. She had been living on her own for god know how long.

I took the note and began to read it.


I know you think you're coming with us but you're not. I'm having another baby so I don't need you anymore.

You need to find another family or die I don't care. You're no longer my daughter. I no longer need you for the money.

I've met a guy who lives in Switzerland and that's where I'm moving. We're getting married. He doesn't want you tonne his step daughter, I don't want you as a daughter. Don't bother looking for me, asking me for money, don't write to me.

Bye, forever.


This made me begin to tear up. I hated this bitch. I handed her the letter and stood up. She looked at me, I put my hand out to her for her to take it.

"Come with me, let's go to the studio. I'll figure something out." I told her. She smiled wide and we both left for the studio.

As we got into the car, I got a message.

"Where are you?" it was Paige.

"I'm on my ways. I'll explain everything later." I replied and took off towards our studio for the first day of competition rehearsal.

When I had parked up infront of the studio. Alexis was shocked. She turned to me and climbed across into my lap and hugged me.

"Thank you Brooke. I've always wanted to dance." she whispered into my chest.
"No problem, do you want to do a competition this week with the rest of us?" I asked. She nodded vigorously.
"Okay, do you wanna go a solo? " She shook her head.

"Can I do a duet with you?" She asked. I was touched she wanted to dance with me. I nodded and she squealed hugging me tight and I got out the car locking it and heading into the building.

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