48: Broken Hearted

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8 weeks later...

When Larielle was discharged, she wanted to be left alone in her room. She locked the door and shut everyone, her mother and husband included, out. She kept Liliana's casket beside her bed until she was ready to take her to the graveyard. She didn't understand why this had to happen to her. What had she done so wrong that she didn't get to deliver a developed baby? Why did her baby have to die? Liliana didn't deserve that.

She sat in her bed staring at the tiny casket with her tiny baby inside it. She had gotten to the point where she was numb for a little while, and then she would cry. And then she would try to sleep but could only toss and turn with images of her little one in her brain. It was all she could do.

It was going on day three, and CoCo finally just couldn't let her daughter sit in the room alone any longer. She reached above the doorway and pulled down the key to the door. She'd had to use it when Bellamy passed as well. When Larielle was sad, she wanted to be sad alone and didn't take comfort. But Larielle had a husband now.

"Mija," CoCo whispered, sitting on the bed with her daughter.

"No," Larielle said, turning her back.

"Baby, I know it's hard. But you can't be sad in here forever. It won't bring her back."

"It's not fair," Larielle said, sobbing, hot tears running rapidly down her face. "She never did anything to anyone. What did I do to Pablo that he had to take my baby from me?"

"Pablo is just a sick individual, mija. And Karma has its ways," CoCo whispered, laying beside Larielle and pulling her into her arms and rubbing her back. "Your husband is hurting, too, mija. You can't just shut him out like you do me. You gave your life to him, and you have to let him be there for you."

"I want to be alone, Mami," Larielle told her, still crying.

"No you don't, Larielle. This is a horrible time to be alone. I'm going to send Evan in here. You guys don't have to talk. But let him be your rock, mija. That's apart of him being your husband. He's your shoulder."

CoCo got out of the bed and a minute later, Evan came in and closed the door. "Hey, Lari," he said softly, slowly approaching the bed. He sat down and took her hand in his.

For a minute, there was nothing said. Larielle just let Evan hold her hand, and for a moment a certain peace settled over her. She still had Evan and his love. She sat up and put her arms around his neck, laying her head on his shoulder, her breath warm on his neck as fresh tears sprang in her eyes.

Evan put his arms around Larielle's waist, rubbing her back. "I'm sorry, baby," he whispered.

"It's not your fault," she told him unevenly.

He just held her in his arms. "I want you to be out of this house," he told her.

"I don't want to leave, Evan."

"Baby, it's not safe for you here. I need you with Shawn and Abrielle in Naples."

"I can't... Evan..."

He understood she didn't want to be around the baby right now. He sighed, just holding her to him. "I only have one other option, Larielle. But you won't be able to be alone. Both of our mothers and maybe even your uncle are going to have to go with you," he told her. She just nodded. "My grandfather has an island off the Florida coast. It's pretty small, as islands go. But there you'll be safe."

"Are you going to come?" she asked.


"Then I don't want to."

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