Chapter 19

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             I got back to the hotel  and go up to the room. "Where were you? And why do you have coffee all over your hoodie." Luke started to question me. "I wanted to me alone... Um I bumped into this guy and got coffee all over me" I said. "Luke don't go ape shit we need to seriously need to go... Niall said we need to get all of our stuff" Mikey said. "We need to pack?" I asked confused. "Yeah They said they had a surprise for us so we need to get all of our things" Cal said as he started picking up dirty clothes. I got all my stuff together and got out a shirt but I noticed it wasn't mine, Jamie's, or Luke's I put it on quickly. I wonder who's shirt it was. I got a hoodie and out it on. "Everyone ready?" Ash asked. "Yes" We all said. "Then off we go we need to go to the lobby Niall said he's waiting for us" Ash said. We all went downstairs. Luke put on his sunglasses. He made sure I put mine on and put a beanie on me to hide my hair. We walked out I see a bunch of fans, I'm in between Luke and Niall. I hear the fans. "Look it's that whore! The one that hurt Cameron" One said. "Eww what is Cierra Torres doing with Luke and Niall..." Another said. I bite my lip to hold back the tears. Luke held my hand. He squeezed it. We get to the SUV and Luke got in first then I did. "You okay?" Luke asked me. I nodded. I couldn't cry in front of them, I pulled out my phone and turned on some music. I tuned out everyone. I never removed the sunglasses. I was hurt. My phone vibrates. 

Hey Cierra It's Casp. Was wondering if you would like to come over for dinner tomorrow night? Joe is inviting his sister and her boyfriend. I don't have family here in London. You can invite your boyfriend or who ever you want -Caspar-

Thanks Casp. I'll see if we can go this band is really busy especially with the one direction boys but I'll see what I can do. Again thanks for the invite. 😊 -Cece-

         Caspar didn't reply to me after that. "we're here" Luke pulled out an ear bud. We got out  of the SUV. We go inside. "Boys and Girl this is your new house. " Niall said with a smile. "really?!?! Is that thing going to live with us?" Cal asked. "No actually I talked to Paul He is making her come home"Niall said with a smile. I smiled and hugged Niall. "thanks" I whispered and kissed his cheek. I hear someone clear their throat.  I let go of Niall. "Anyways I'm going to get going I need to help out the lads with some stuff Bye guys Remember Cece if you need to talk just give me a ring or text and I listen." Niall waved goodbye. "Time to pick out rooms."  Ash said. "I want the one with the bathroom" Mikey and Cal started running to the one with the bathroom. "Nah I think that one should be for Luke and Cece" Ash said. Cal and Mikey groaned. Luke and I go to our bedroom. "I got invited to a dinner and they said I can bring guests." I told Luke. "Oh that's nice I'm going to see if the guys need help" Luke said. 


        I went to the living room to see Ash and Cal. "Hey guys. Cece just told me we got invited to dinner by a guy that bumped into her." I said. "Really?" Ash said. "Yeah so let's finish unpacking" Cal screamed. "Bloody Hell Calum!" Mikey said. We turned on Spotify on Ash's phone and put it on the speakers. We started listening to Panic at the Disco. We started dancing. "Guys don't we have to do a live stream or twit cam?" Ash asked. "Oh shiiit thats right we have to" Mikey said. "I'll go get Ash's laptop." Cal said and ran off to get it. "We should have Cece interview us or us her" Ash said. "CeceBear!" Mikey said. Cece came into the living room. "Yeah?"Cece said. "We are doing a twit cam and we need you in it" Mikey said. "Um and if i refuse?" Cece said. "We'll tie you to a chair" Mikey grinned evilly. "No we won't" Ash slapped the back of Mikey's head. "I'll be in it but one mean comment and i'm out" Cece said. Cal comes back and looks at us. "Cece your phone was ringing. It was someone named Joe on the line" Cal said. "Oh that's Caspar's roommate, I'll be back guys I'm  going to see what he needed." Cece walked back to our bedroom. "Luke what's up? Bro you look jealous." Cal said. "I'm not jealous" I spat. Why we're they ringing her?


   I walked into our room. I call  Joe back


Cece: Hey Joe it's Cierra

Joe: Oh hey what's up?

Cece: My boyfriend's bandmate told me you called?

Joe: Oh yeah I know Casp invited you and everything and was just making sure if you were going to come

Cece: Yeah We are coming

Joe: Alright I'll text you the address just don't bring the crazy fans with you cos this is Casp and Mine new place

Cece: Alright

Joe: You should go see mine and Casp new youtube video its the roommate tag.

Cece:I'll check it out but right now I have to do a twit cam with the guys. 

Joe: What's your boyfriend's band's name?

Cece: 5 Seconds of Summer

Joe: I'll Check them out and ooooo what's your twitter account?

Cece: Little_Cece09

Joe: I'll follow you and Hey i got to go my sister needs me 

Cece: Bye Joe

    I hung up on Joe and went back downstairs. My phone vibrated. It says Joe Sugg followed you. I followed him back. "Ready for a twit cam?" Ash said.

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