Chapter 14

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   I had gotten a text message from Vicki.

Lukeyy. Where are you?-Vicki-


I decided to text Jack now.

Hey Jacky, wanna come hang out? We want to go get dinner with the boys. Don't tell Vicki if you do wanna come... I know you wanna get away from her we all do-Luke-

On my way-Jack-

                  There's a knock on the door.  I went to open it. "Hey Lierra" Mikey said. "Hey Lukey. Hi beautiful." Cal hugged Cece. I looked at Cal. "Hi Luke. Hey Gorgeous" Ash kissed Cece on the cheek. I bite the inside of my cheek before I exploded. "So Jack is coming to hang out " I said. There was another knock on the door. I go open it. "Hey little brother" Jack smiled. "Hey Jack" I said slightly irritated. "What's wrong?"  Jack asked. "Nothing Jack. Come on in" I stepped aside to let Jack inside. Jack walks in. "Let's go get something to eat. I'm starving" Mikey said. "I know of a perfect little diner" Jack said. "lets go" Mikey said. Cece got her shoes and we left. When we get to the diner Ben is already sitting at a booth. We sit down. Cece sits next to Cal and Ash but next to me. I hold her hand. 


            "So cece, are you excited to go on tour with our wittle wukey pookey?" Jack asks. " Yeah I mean it's exciting I just really don't wanna go to the U.S." I bite my lip. "Why's that?" Ben asks. "I mean I'm excited to go to all of the U.S. just there's one part I'm not so siked to see" I sighed not looking up from my food. They got the message and didn't talk about it with me. "Cece wanna sleep over tonight? Since we have to leave first thing in the morning?" Mikey asked. "Hell yeah if there C.O.D. and walking dead" I said with a smile. "Always" Mikey said. "What about us?" Ash asked. "Well Luke is already staying over... So do all over you wanna  stay over with us?" Mikey asked. " So I should go tell Jamie and get my stuff shouldn't I?" I asked. "I'll take you so I can pick you up and help you" Luke said. "She's coming" Ben said. "Where?" Luke said wide eyed. "Behind you she's coming this way" Cal said. I grabbed my beanie and Luke's sunglasses and put them on Luke. I made sure to cover all his hair. "Hey Jack and Ben have you guys seen Lukey?" Vicki says with her high pitched voice."Maybe he ran away from your clingy fake ass" Cal mumbled. "He went to help my brother" I spoke up."With what?" Vicki asked. "Stuff" I said. "Who's this?" Vicki asked. "Oh that's her cousin" Cal said quickly. "This is Aiden...He doesn't talk to sluts soooo byeeeeeeeeee" I said. Vicki rolled her eyes and left. "She's gone" I said. "Come on let's go get our stuff" I said. "Well I have to take you since you have no way of getting back" Jack said. "Let's go Cal you wanna come" I asked. "Sure" Cal says. We go back to my house. "Jamie!" I call out. No answer. "Jamie?" I called out again. "Kitchen" Jamie says. I go to the kitchen. I freeze in my place. "M-m-m-m-m-om..." I stuttered. "Cece? You okay?" Luke says, Cal is right behind him. 


       I walked into the kitchen and see Cece wide eyed. "Yeah Mija it's me" Cece's mum says. "I'm not your daughter" Cece says. I hold her hand and she squeezes it. "Go get all her bags into the car quick" I whispered into Cal's ear. He listens and goes. "Of course i am your mother nena" Her mum says. "NO you don't get to call me Nena... Only my family does..." Cece says. "Why are you acting this way? Her mum asked. "YOU AND CAMERON USE TO ABUSE ME! YOU GUYS BLAMED ME FOR WHAT HAPPENED TO DAD! IT WASN'T MY FAULT!" Cece started yelling.  "What are you talking about?" Her mum looked confused. "Jamie I'm leaving I'll call you later I can't be here come on babe let's go" Cece started pulling me out the door. I followed quickly behind her. She burst into tears. "Shhhh it's okay Baby girl don't cry" I started rubbing her back. "That's the reason why I don't wanna go to America Luke because they are waiting for me"  Cece said. "I promise Cece, They won't get to you" I held her tight. "I got everything" Cal hugged her.  "Come on let's go get my stuff and then head to Mikey's" I said. We got in Jack's car. "Cece are you okay" Jack asked. "Yeah I'm fine" Cece sounded so broken. When we get to my house I go and get my bags into Jack's car. "Luke?" Mum asked. "Hey Mum, Me and Cece are going to just sleep over at mikey's a lot has happened " I said. "Oh okay sweetie I got everything packed it's all in your room" Mum said. "Thanks mum" I said. I quickly brought everything back downstairs and to Jack's car. I haven't seen Vicki yet I leave my house and go to Jack's car. "Got everything?" Jack asked. "yeah so i guess mum is going to meet me at the airport tomorrow"I said. "Yeah cause dad, Ben, and I are dropping mum off and saying bye to you guys"Jack said.  I noticed Cece fell asleep. We get to Mikey's house, Jack helps me and Cal get everything into Mikey's house. "Maybe we should wake Cece up" I said. "No Let her get some more sleep cause we have to pull an all nighter so we can sleep on the plane so we don't have that bad of jet lag" Cal says. "well then let me carry her in" I said as I lift Cece up into my arms and take her inside. I laid her on the couch and look at the boys. "Come on we should get at least 3 hours of some sleep."I said. "to Mikey's bed" Ash said. We went to his room. We left the door open just in case Cece woke up or we over slept. Cal put an alarm on his phone our flight leaves 4 am its only 10 pm so we are just sleeping for about 2-3 hours then doing something stupid.

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