Chapter 17

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            "Cece wake up we landed" Cal shook me. I slowly opened my eyes. "Where's Luke?" I asked. "He has to help his mum with the luggage come on the boys are waiting for us" Cal said. I get up and we get off the plane. i  see Luke and Vicki holding hands...., Mikey, and Ashton. They were with 5 other guys.  "Cece dear you found us" Liz hugged me. "Yeah" I said hugging her back. "And who is this beauty" A voice with an irish accent said. "Niall, Zayn, Louis, Liam, and Harry this is Cierra, Our best friend and Luke's girlfriend" Ash introduced me. "Hi" I said. Niall hugs me. After Niall let me go I text Jamie.

Hey Feo I made it to London. I miss you.  Sorry about storming out yesterday... I love you-Cece- (Feo=Ugly)

Hey Nena It's alright. I love you too and i miss you more and Skype later?-Jamie-

Skype Later i'm on my way to the hotel-Cece-

Okay nena -Jamie-

            I stopped replying.  We got to the hotel. "So you are sharing a room with me and Cal" Luke smiled and tried kissing me. I moved away from him.  "Okay" I said. "Calum One rule.... No walking around naked." Luke said. "No promises." Cal wiggled his eye brows. There's a knock at the door. " I got it" I said. I opened the door and Niall came into view. "Luke we're bored" Niall whined. "Why doesn't 5 seconds of summer and one direction play truth or dare?" I suggested. "Perfect" Niall said with a smile. We go to Ash's and Mikey's room. All the guys are in there.  "Okay so who is first?" I asked. "you" Mikey said. "Truth or dare?" Cal asked me. "Dare" I said. "I dare you to sing 'I LOVE CALUM'S DICK' really loud in the hallway" Mikey said. I looked at the boys. Mikey smirked. I got up and went to the Hallway and started singing. " I LOVE CALUM'S DICK! I LOVE CALUM'S DICK! I LOVE CALUM'S DICK! I LOVE CALUM'S DICK!"  I sang loudly. After that we got back to the game. "Alright Niall Truth or Dare?"  I asked. "Dare" Niall said. "I dare you to go and twerk on the first person you see in the hallway" I said. Niall twerked on Louis. "Luke truth or dare?" Niall asks. "Truth" Luke said. "Is it true........" Niall gets cut off. "That you fuck a penguin" Mikey asks. "Nooooo"  Luke says. "Mikey I dare you to call Karen and tell her you got a girl pregnant" Ash said. Mikey called his mom. She yelled at him. We stopped playing. Vicki comes  into the room she looked pissed. "Get the fuck away from Luke you Whore" Vicki says and pulls my hair. "Owww that's it" I Push her away and pounce on her. Vicki punches me in the face. I punch her back in the face. Niall pulls me away. Ash and Mikey are holding her back. Luke and Niall have me. "let me go let me beat the bitch up" I yelled. "Bring it princess i'll gladly reunite you with your dear dead daddy." Vicki screamed. I collapsed on to the floor. "Vicki stop it" Luke said. "YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT MY FATHER!" I sobbed. "I didn't kill him like you did. No one wants you"Vicki yelled. I got up and ran to my room and locked myself in the bathroom. "Cece open the door" Luke said. I ignored him.  He keeps knocking. 


                "She won't come out" Luke came back to the room. "I'll go talk to her" I said. "I'll go with you" Cal said. "Why do you guys even care... All she's looking for is attention" Vicki said. "SHUT UP AND GO AWAY YOU FUCKING SLUT!" Luke snapped. Vicki looked at him ."Come on Cal" I said. We left the room. I knocked on the bathroom door. "Cece? Please open the door babe" I said. "Go away Niall"Cece said. "Not till you open this door Cierra" I said.  "Come on Cece Luke isn't with us it's just Niall and Me" Cal says. "Please Cece" I said. She finally opens the door. I see blood on the sink and she looks sick. "Cece...." I start to say. "Please don't tell the guys" She said. I hug her and she starts crying into my chest. "You can't let whatever that bitch say to you hurt you sweetie. For the rest of the tour you can stay with me or Cal" I said. "Maybe sharing a room with Luke is a bad idea" Cal says. "He was holding her hand earlier.... Maybe I shouldn't of came on tour with you guys maybe I should of stayed with my mother and Cameron and maybe I deserved being raped by Cameron that night" Cece cried. "No one deserves that you should talk to Luke babe he was really upset at Vicki he yelled at her when he came back into the room. Here I'll text him to coming over here so you can talk to him" I said as I pulled out my phone. 

Hey Luke can you come to the hotel room... I think it's time you can Cece talked. -Nialler-

On my way right now -Lewi- 

          Luke comes in with blood shot eyes. "Come on Cal let's give  Cece and Luke some alone time" I said. "Cece you better tell him everything.... and i mean everything" Cal was eyeing her wrists. I pulled Cal out the room. "Don't kill each other while we're gone Okay?" I said. "Okay and fine Cal." Cece looks freaked out. I kiss her forehead. "It's going to be okay" I whispered into her ear. I patted Luke on the shoulder. "Listen to her" I said and left. 


            I looked at her. She looked like she's been crying. She has that pain look in her eyes. "Cece I'm sorry" I said. "Luke..... She knows alot..... and I broke a promise to my dad and cut myself.... it hurt seeing you with her, holding her hand........." Cece said. "Please cece promise me you won't ever cut yourself over something so stupid.... I love you and only you" I said and grabbed her hand. "You loved her once though Luke. Clearly there is still something there between you and her... I feel like I should of stayed in Chicago with Cameron and my mom....I deserved being raped by Cameron" Cece said. My heart broke into pieces. "No one deserves that Cierra NO one... That sick bastard is going to pay one day" I said. She cries into my chest. "I love you and i'm sorry for over exaggerating" Cece said into my chest. "I love you too Cece and Vicki will pay for doing what she did. Paul won't let her behavior go like that" I said and kissed her head.  


Everything is going with plan... She is having trouble with trusting Luke.. -Anonymous

Good keep me updated... -C  

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