Chapter 4

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"My house isn't really surprising" I shrugged. I look at Cece. She shivers. "Are you cold?" I ask and she nods. "Uh I have some extra sweatpants and a hoodie you can borrow. I'll throw your muddy clothes in the wash" I say and smile. "Is it alright if I take a shower?" Cece asks. "Yeah I'll get you a towel and show you where the shower is" I say. I get her a towel and show her where the shower is and give her my extra sweatpants and hoodie. She takes a shower and I get wash our dirty clothes. After cece took her shower I take one. I get out and get dress. All of a sudden the lights go out and I hear a scream. "Cierra?" I call out. "Luke!" Cece calls out. "Where are you?" I say. I hear a window break. "CIERRA?!?!" I yell out. "Help me!" she screams. I get a flashlight and look for her. "Cece where are you?" I call out. "Kitchen" she groans out. I go to the kitchen and feel around the ground. I feel something warm and oozy. It was blood and get Cece and carry her to my room. I text Mikey.

Dude someone broke into my house and Cece is hurt and I need help ASAP-Luke-

Oh our way. Wait who is at your house-Mikey-

I don't know hurry-Luke-

I wait for the boys. "L-L-L-Luke?" Cece says. "Shhh Cece don't talk baby girl just stay with me okay?" I whisper. I look at her and take off my shirt to clean up the blood. I see Mikey's car pull up. "Cece I need you to stay here alright?" I say. "No Luke don't leave me alone" Cece whispers softly. I look at her. "Please Luke don't leave me alone" Cece says. "I won't I'm right here" I tell her as I hold her hand. I pull her close. I hear noise so I carry Cece with me to hide in the closet. "Luke? Cece?" Ash yelled out. I opened the closet door. "Is the coast clear?" I ask. I look at Cece and she smiles. "Let's clean you up" I say. "We should take her to a hospital mate" Ash says. "NO!" Cece exclaimed. I look at her. "Why not?" Calum looks at her. "Please just no doctors I just need to be cleaned up" Cece says. "Come on I'll clean you up" I say. I carry her to the bathroom. "We'll be at Calum's" Ash says. "We will see you guys there" I say. The boys are gone. I clean Cece up. "We should go to Calum's house now" Cece said. "Uh yeah come on I'll drive. Do you need some help?" I asked. "Yes please" Cece said. I held her by the waist and helped her walk to my car. I had extra clothes for her since the other clothes had blood on them. I drove to Cal's house. I carried her bridal style to the door. I kicked the door. "You know I would have knocked if you asked" Cece says. "But they should of helped me bring you in but it's cool they can just open the door" I said. "I probably weigh a lot" Cece apologized. "No you don't weigh anything love I can deal with you it's not a problem at all" I reassured her. Cal finally opened the door. "THE LOVE BIRDS FINALLY ARRIVED!!!" Cal yelled. I went in and sat Cece down on the couch. "Where are you going?" Cece asked. "I brought us some clothes since there is blood on the clothes were wearing" I told her. I ran out to the car and grabbed the backpack of clothes. When I came back in I went and put the clothes in the bathroom. "Come on Cece lets go get you cleaned up" I said and carried her to the bathroom. "Thanks but I can change alone" Cece said. "I won't stare come on love you are hurt and you need help" I said. "Fine"She ave n. I got the clothes out and I helped her get out of my sweatpants and shirt. "Cece maybe you should shower so we can get the blood off love cause theres alot" I said. "Alright" Cece said. I turned on the water. "I need to um take off my bra and underwear" Cece said. I take her bra and underwear off and help her into the shower. I get in with her in my boxers. I wash her hair and body. I look into her eyes. "Thanks" Cece said. I finish off and get a towel for her. She dries off and I get her dressed and I start to get dressed.


I cover my eyes as soon as I see Luke pulling off his boxers. After he's dressed we go to the living room where everyone is. "Don't tell me you did the nasties in my shower" Calum said. We busted out laughing. "No"I said. I noticed Luke staring at me. "What?" I ask. "I just realized you look cute in my clothes" Luke says. "You're such a dork" I giggled. "But I'm your dork" Luke says proudly. "We should probably go tell Jamie about the tour" I say. "You guys can go cause I have to wait for the family to get home" Calum says. "Come on Luke lets go tell Jamie" I say and intertwine our hands together. We go to his car and drove to my house. We get to my house and we walk up go the from door. I knock on the door. Jamie opens the door and smiles. "Hey neña you're finally home. Hey uh Luke" Jamie smiles at us. "I have a question to ask you" I say. "Can Cece come on tour with me and the band?" Luke asked. "Is there going to be an adult going with you two?" Jamie asked. "Of course my mum is going with us on tour since I'm the youngest" Luke says. "Please jamie" I begged. "Fine you can go as long as you call me or text me everyday or once in a while and not share a room with the boys" Jamie says. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you" I hugged Jamie.

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