What Sherlock character are you?

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A/N: It's been so long since I posted another chapter! I'm sorry I kept you guys waiting.


Question 1: Choose an occupation.
A. Detective
B. author
C. Doctor
D. Performer(actor, singer, dancer, ect.)
E. Working in Business
F. Politician
G. A baker

Question 2: Are you athletic?
A. Somewhat.
B. I'm pretty good I guess
C. I'm the clumsiest fool you'd ever meet!
E.  When I need to be
F. I try... but no. I'm not.
G. Nope. Don't care.

Question 3: You've just solved a murder case! The killer has been locked up, how do you celebrate?
A. With another case!
B. I want to go drink
C. Ice cream with friends.
D. Something...dirty. 😏
E. Well, I would be the murderer...
F. Pizza and crime shows ALONE
G. A play or a ballet with close friends would be lovely.

Question 4: Your best friend has clearly been crying, and they won't admit to it when you ask them. What do you do?
A. Insist upon them telling you
B. "I'm not going to force you..." and you help clean them up.
C. Comfort them.
D. Roll your eyes and leave them be.
E. Hit them.
F. "Are you okay bro?" *said awkwardly*
G. Make them tea and watch a comedy with them.

Question 5: Choose a tv show:
A. Law & Order
B. Friends
C. Pretty Little Liars
D. The Walking Dead
E. American Horror Story
F. Hawii 5-0
G. None of these/ or I don't really watch TV

Question 6: How strong are your emotions?
A. Sometimes I have them, very rarely. I try to conceal them.
B. I guess their pretty strong, especially happy ones... But I never have anything to be sad about.
C. I'm way over emotional, I try to be strong though
D. I'm stable...sometimes
E. Well, Depends on the emotion at hand, time, and place...and food I've just eaten.
F. I have no emotions, I'm a cruel, heartless beast.
G. I am emotional, a bit.

Question 7: what is your favorite book genre?
A. Mystery
B. Comedy
C. I love a good romance!
D. I hate reading
E. Horror.
F. Other
G. Classic's stole my heart.

Question 8: What was your favorite class in school?
A. I enjoyed math
B. Science!
C. English
D. P.E.
E. History
F. Lunch?
G. Drama was such an amazing class.

Question 9: Your out alone, walking home, and a strong man tries to jump you. What will probably be the turn out?
A. I'll fight back and win.
B. I'll fight back, but probably get quite a few scrapes.
C. I'll try to fight back but fail.
D. I'd jump him first.
E. People wouldn't try to jump me if they saw me on the streets.
F. TBH, I would just surrender right away.
G. Why would I be walking home?

Question 10: What would be the hardest for you to give up?
A. Cigarettes, drinking, drugs, ect,
B. My phone
C. My hobbies
D. The Internet
E. YouTube
F. Money
G. Tea and coffee 

Question 11: You and your date go to an expensive restaurant, and it's their b-day. The thing is: They are rich, and your not. Who pays?
A. Me, it's only polite.
B. We can split it.
C. Have them pay.
D. They can pay for 90% of it
E. ???
F. Wait, when would I have a date?
G. I'll pay for most of it

Question 11: what is your favorite music genre?
A. Classical!
B. Other
C. Sad songs.
D. Pop
E. Rock
F. Rap
G. R & B

Question 12: What song should be your theme song?
A. Demons- Imagine Dragons
B. Thinking out loud- Ed Sheeran
C. Someone like you - Adele
D. Run the world(girls) - Beyoncé
E. Sexy and I know it- LMFAO
F. Blvd. of Broken Dreams- Green Day
G. None of these

Question 13: What do you look for in a partner?
A. Intelligence
B. Kindness
C. Unique
D. They've got to be hot
E. Wild and adventurous
F. Eww...partners? More like no.
G. Creativity

Question 14: How do you express your feelings?
A. Music
B. Poetry
C. Drawing/painting
D. With my body
E. You know, actually talking?
F. Wat feelings
G. Dance

If you got mostly...

A's- Sherlock Holmes
Just like Sherlock, you are an intelligent and stubborn person. You are quite honest, and you don't have very many feelings to share. You probably love music, and enjoy puzzles.

B's- John Watson
You are a kind, but strong person. Although you may be referred to as the "sidekick", you are more than that. You are clever, brilliant, strong, and a great person in general.

C's- Molly Hooper
You are a smart, and clumsy person. You may be quite shy, and emotional. You are quiet stubborn, and strong-minded. You love helping people, and you are quiet honest.

D's- Irene Addler
You are a confident, wild, free, and not afraid to show yourself to the world. You are quite reckless, but that doesn't matter to you, as long as you're having fun. You are quite the flirt, and you love being the center of attention.

E's- James Moriarty
Hello crazy person. You may be a little weird(THATS A GOOD THING), but you are cunning, extremely smart, and are a hard opponent. You have a lot of power over others, and you enjoy that.

F's- Mycroft Holmes
Okay, don't get disappointed in yourself! You are very smart, logical, and are a natural born leader. You always do the right thing, even if it will disappoint your loved ones.

G's- Mrs. Hudson
You are a sassy, fiery boss that no one will dare to overlook. You may be kind, sweet, and selfless, but you are the sass emperor!   You always care for others, and are definitely cool(yes, cooler than fezzes.)

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