A quiz for Middle School/High School girls: Does he like you?

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Q 1. Does he stare at you a lot(in class, at lunch, ect.)?
A. Sometimes
B. All the time
C. I'm not sure
D. No, never

Q 2. When he talks to you, is he confident?
A. Nope, he stutters a lot.
B. When he talks to me, he thinks about what he is going to say a lot
C. He talks really smoothly
D. We don't ever talk

Q 3. Do you have his phone number?
A. Yes, he gave it to me.
B. Yes, I convinced him to give it to me, and he just smiled...
C. He has mine
D. None of the above/ I don't have his

Q 4. Has any of his friends brought him over and said, "____ wanted me to ask you out for him?"
A. Yes, and he ran away
B. Yes, and he gave me an excuse(it was a dare, he was joking)
C. His friend came over and asked me out
D. Never

Q 5. Have you ever been partners in class for a project?
A. More than once
B. Once, and it wasn't our choice
C. Yes, we teamed up once
D. Never/ were not in the same class

Q 6. Does he ever flirt with you?
A. All the time
B. Sometimes
C. I don't exactly know if he was flirting or not
D. Never

Q 7. What do you guys talk about?
A. Everything I guess
B. We talk about our lives and other people
C. Our hobbies and our weekends
D. Sports/ or nothing

Q 8. When you team up for a school project who is most likely to do all the work?
A. We'd work together
B. He would help a little
C. Him
D. Me

Q 9. Does he talk to other girls a lot?
A. Mostly me
B. Yes, all the time, but he is a really social person
C. Sometimes
D. All the time, he barley ever talks to me

Q 10. What would he say about you?
A. You're sweet and funny
B. You're smart and independent
C. Your a devil spawn
D. "Who?"

Q 11. Is he dating someone at the moment?
A. No, he mostly hangs out with me
B. Nope
C. Yes
D. I'm not sure

Q 12. Have you ever asked him if he liked you? How did it turn out?
A. Yes, I do like you[if he did, than why are you taking this quiz?]/ or "What???Nooooooo..."(bad lying)
B. He got really defensive about not liking you/ or made excuses
C. He said no
D. I've never asked/ or "Why would I like you?"

Q 13. Do you ever see and his friend staring at you, and talking(or whispering)?
A. Once
B. All the time!
C. I've heard others say that he does
D. No

Q 14. When he stares at you, what expression is he making?
A. An expression of awe
B. No expression
C. He doesn't stare you
D. A dirty look

If you got mostly...
A's...he definitely likes you
B's...He likes you a lot OR thinks you're completely insane
D's...Not looking so good/definitely not

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