What Female Percy Jackson charecter are you?

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***Authors Note: I will soon put up one for the Heroes of Olympus***

Question 1: What is your favorite color?
A. Gray
B. Blue
C. Something else
D. Red
E. Pink or purple
F. Green or gold

Question 2: You're walking through the forest by camp when you come across a bird with its flesh torn open. It's quite nasty! What do you do?
A. Try to help it.
B. Put it out of its misery
C. I'm not sure
D. Watch it struggle
E. Bring it back to the Apollo cabin
F. Keep it as a pet

Question 3: What movie would you go and see?
A. Wisdom's Words
B. The Life & Death of Zöe Nightshade
C. Thunder Storm
D. Face Punch
E. Love spelled backwards is Evol
F. Golden Panther

Question 4: Do you speak proper grammar?
A. Most of the time
B. Yes- to proper....
C. I think so
D. I don't know
E. Close enough
F. No

Question 5: What occupation are you most likely to do out of the following?
A. Author
B. Traveler
C. Weather forecaster
D. Personal trainer
E. Make-up artist
F. Painter

Question 6: What is the most interesting type of weather to study?
A. All sorts of weather is interesting! Just the facts and stats are outrageous!
B. Tsunami's are pretty cool!
C. Thunder storms and tornados are my favorite
D. Studying is not my thing!
E. I like rain, it makes my hair look nice!
F. Something else

Question 7: Are you temperamental?
A. Sometimes
B. Not really
C. Very!
D. What does that mean?
E. I'm not sure
F. A little

Question 8: Do you get jealous easily?
A. A little
B. Not at all
C. Yes
D. What is their to be jealous of?
E. I'm not sure
F. Depends

Question 9: What is your favorite board game?
A. Apples to Apples or Battle Ship
B. Clue
C. Sorry
D. Twister
E. Board Games are boring! That's why they're called BORED games!
F. None of the above

Question 10: What will you be for Halloween?
A. A super hero
B. I don't celebrate Halloween/ or I'm too old for it
C. The Queen of Hearts
D. A Spartan warrior
E. A butterfly
F. An alien

Question 11: Do you like Percy Jackson fan fiction? Why or why not?
A. No, it's very inaccurate! Persassy? Who comes up with stuff???????
B. No, I've never liked fan fiction...
C. Sure, why not?
D. It involves Reading, so NO.
E. Yes! #Yolo #PerSASSY
F. I'm not sure...

Question 12: What word describes the good side of your personality?
A. Witty
B. Proper
C. Funny
D. Brave
E. Beautiful
F. Creative

Question 13: What word describes the bad side of your personality?
A. Sarcastic
B. Untrendy
C. Angry
D. Violent
E. What bad thing?
F. Weird

Question 14: Rate yourself 1-5 on how girly you are.
A. 1
B. 3
C. 2
D. 0
E. 5
G. 4

Question 15: What activities do you enjoy the most?
A. Reading, sketching, or Studying
B. Archery, or fencing
C. None of the above!
D. Wrestling or playing sports
E. Doing hair & make-up, shopping or trying on clothes
F. Painting, acting, or writing

If you got mostly...
A's...Annabeth Chase
B's...Zöe Nightshade
C's...Thalia Grace
D's...Clarrise La Rue
E's...Silena Beauraguard
F's...Rachel Elizabeth Dare

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