What Heroes of Olympus character are you? (For girls)

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Question 1: You are on a quest! You get to choose 2 others to come with you. Who?
A. Your two closest friends.
B. My boyfriend & a friend
C. My half-blood siblings
D. 2 very good warriors

Question 2: Choose your weapon.
A. Dagger/ knife
B. Bow and arrow
C. Something else
D. Sword/ spear

Question 3: Great! You must be up at 5 am to start the quest. Meet you there!
Your response(choose the most similar)
A. Ugh...5?
B. Okay...bye.
C. Kay! See ya there!
D. First we should discuss the details of our trip

Question 4: After a day of traveling, you end up in a motel with one bed and a couch. Let's just say you were with a close friend that is your sex, & your boyfriend/girlfriend(if u don't have one, pretend u do!)How do you solve the problem?
A. Me & my partner will sleep in 1 bed, my friend can sleep on the couch.
B. My friend will sleep with me
C. My friend and my partner will sleep together.
D. I sleep in the bed, my partner sleeps on the floor, my friend gets the couch!

Question 5: Do you have any social media?(Not including Wattpad, other Fanfiction things, and YouTube)
A. Yeah
B. I wish!
C. No...I don't even know what that is!
D. I have no interest

Question 6: Hair color:
A. Blonde/ red
B. Brown
C. Black
D. Something else

Question 7: Eye color?
A. Gray/ blue
B. Brown/
C. Black/ green
D. Something else

Question 8: Your favorite Heroes of Olympus book?
A. The Mark of Athena/ The House of Hades
B. The Lost Hero
C. The son of Neptune
D. The Blood of Olympus

Question 9: If you HAD to pick one ship to break up, what would it be?
A. Perachel
B. Jercy
C. Pernico
D. Leyna

Question 10: What new book series will you read?
A. Wisdoms Words
B. Ugly ducky
C. Bejeweled
D. Bravery before love

Question 11: Your fav Percy Jackson & the Olympians book.
A. The Last Olympian
B. The sea of monsters
C. The Titans curse/ the battle of the labyrinth
D. The Lightning Thief

Question 12: Your opinion on THE BLOOD OF OLYMPUS:
A. I loved it
B. No! NO! NOOO! They can't end the HOO like that!!!
C. I hated it
D. It's complicated

Question 13: Your pet peeve when writing a serious fan fiction is ______.
A. when people get mad for not adding #PerSASSY
B. Rude comments
C. It is not listed
D. Fan girls

Question 14: Are you usually serious?
A. Serious, but not to serious
B. Not really
C. Only when I have to be

Question 16: You won the lottery! What do you do with the money?
A. Spend most of it on something important(collage, a new house, car, ect.)
B. Spend
C. Spend half/ save half
D. Save

Question 17: Choose an elective.
A. Architecture/ creative writing
B. Yearbook
C. Home ect./ Tech
D. An extra P.E. class

Question 18: Are you smart?
A. Very
B. Idk
C. Kinda...
D. I'm street smarts. But not so good at math...

Question 19: Choose a fandom to live in.
A. Percy Jackson
B. Narnia
C. The selection/ Harry Potter
D. The 100

Question 20: Would you ever join the Huntress of Artemis?
A. Never
B. If I didn't have a crush/ boyfriend
C. I do not know
D. Yes

If you got mostly...
A's- Annabeth
Like Annabeth, you are strong, smart, and independent. You are a sucker for love sometimes, but it does not get in the way of your plans. You probably would be a good designer or writer, you probably know a lot of fandoms, and you probably have a lot of friends. Many people think you're beautiful.
B's- Piper
Like Piper, you have natural beauty and your very up to date on the latest trends. Sometimes you can be girly, other times you can not. You like things to be better than normal, and you probably enjoy popcorn. And let's not mention your hate for bricks...
C's- Hazel
You're Hazel! Since you got Hazel your probably very unfamiliar to what's cool, and you most likely enjoy reading sappy romance novels. Sometimes you can smart, but other times your totally clueless. Your very optimistic!
D's- Reyna
As Reyna, you are a natural born leader, and you are a good decision maker. Your always brave, even when you're scared. You care deeply about loved ones, and it also takes someone special to catch your attention. You are most likely very athletic. 

Also, who noticed there was no question 15? Also, I was thinking about starting a trivia book. Should I?

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