If your life was a movie, what would it be?

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Question 1: Are you currently in a relationship?
A. Single and ready to mingle!
B. Yeah...with a fictional character!
C. Complicated
D. Married/ engaged/ long relationship
E. Dating

Question 2: Do you travel a lot?
A. All the time!
B. I wish, but summer vacations are about it!
C. Lol no
D. Sometimes
E. A few times a year

Question 3: Would you want to visit Paris?
A. Sure, I guess, but wouldn't a Safari be so much fun?!?!
B. That would be fun!
C. Uh...no.
D. That would be fun! As long as a romantic adventure awaits!
E. It's my life dream!

Question 4: Choose a Harry Potter house you would be in
A. Gryffindor's are cool!
B. Honestly, I would probably be a hufflepuff...
C. Uh...how about NO?
D. Slytherin
E. Ravenclaw

Question 5: Are you a good dancer?
A. Of course!
B. I try...
C. Definitely not! I am quite funny to watch...
D. When it comes to Ballroom, I rock the world!

Question 6: Choose a John Green book.
A. Looking for Alaska!
B. How could I choose.
C. Reading? Not my thing!
D. The Fault in our Stars has no fault
E. Paper Towns is awesome sauce

Question 7: Do you know good jokes?
A. I'm good at puns
B. NO I suck
E. A few

Question 8: Your at a bar alone, when a good-looking person(whatever sex your attracted to), and offers to buy you a drink. What do you do?
A. Of course! What's the harm?
B. Refuse the offer
C. Say, "Bye creep! You know actually....still no."
D. My partner is not here, so why not? They'll never know...
E. I'd say okay. They'd buy me a drink, than I'd leave without talking to them

Question 9: Your friend is doing a comedy act and asks you to come up on the stage to tell a few jokes. What do you think would happen?
A. Of course I'd help a friend in need. But what do I say? Something stupid probably.
B. Say you need to use the restroom.
C. Of course! My moment to shine.
D.depends on how bad my friend is failing.
E. Just flat out say no.

Questions 10: You're at a Christmas party when your rich cousin asks you how you're doing financially. You don't like your cousin term much, but they're offering to give you money and you're not doing well. What do you do?
A. Take the money! You'll need all the help you can get...
B. Say your not doing good, but refuse money from them because they are EVIL!!!
C. Take a little bit of money...
D. Lie! No one can know how I'm doing financially
E. Tell them not to good, but refuse any money they offer you. You can't just take their money.

Question 11: What do you picture when you hear the word "Love?"
A. A heart
B. A boy and a girl kissing on the beach
C. Junk food
D. A couple getting married
E. A family laughing and smiling

Question 12: What occupation would you choose out of these?
A. A travel journalist
B. A fashion designer
C. An actor
D. A lawyer
E. A doctor

Question 13: Chose a Doctor Who doctor.
A. Twelfth doctor
B. Tenth Doctor
C. 9th doctor
D. Eleventh doctor
E. How about NO?

Question 14: What's your favorite holiday?
A. Halloween
B. Christmas
C. My birthday
D. Valentine's Day
E. Thanksgiving

Question 15: Do you think your life is boring?
A. My life is action packed!!!
B. Kind of interesting
C. Without my clever narration, my life movie would be a 1 star story.
D. Define "boring"
E. It's very boring

If you got mostly...
A's- Your life movie would definitely be an Action/Adventure!
Your life is full of action and adventure waiting to be shown on screen. Your tough and ready to explore. Your movie will be a great film for adventure fans. You could be the next Indiana Jones!

B's- Your cool life movie would be a teen film!
Your life would make the perfect teen movie. Your movie may include bullies, teen preferences, stereotyping, or just a whole lot of fun! Your film will be a hit!

C's- Your life is so funny, it should be a comedy
HAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm laughing already! Your clever/funny and you KNOW how to make your audience laugh. From a crazy adventure to a heart-warming laugh-filled teen story, your life movie could be an endless adventure!

D's- Aww! Your life is such a Romance!
Is it just me, or is your life full of romance? If its not, it will be soon! Your life will be full of twists, turns, and midnight kisses! Every chick flick fan will be screaming your names!

E's- Coming of Age is a way to describe your life movie.
Your heart-warming life is ready for a fantastic story. Your movie will be a big coming of age hit like The Fault in our Stars and If I Stay. The story may get sad, but it is one heck of a ride.

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