Which of my favorite TV shows should you watch?

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Question 1: Pick your favorite genre of TV shows
A. Science Fiction
B. Comedy
C. Something else
D. Kids/ cartoons
E. Horror
F. Reality TV/ drama

Question 2: Choose your favorite Disney Channel show.
A. Phineas and Ferb
B. Girl Meets World/ Boy meets world
C. Wizards of Waverly Place 
D. Good Luck Charlie
E. None of the above/ I'm not into Disney shows
F. Shake it off

Question 3: When do you watch tv?
A. All the time!
B. At night before/when I'm sleeping
C. During meal times
D. Other
E. On the weekends
F. Durning my free time(which I don't have much of)

Question 4: Choose your favorite teen novel (I am not including Pjo for a reason)
A. Harry Potter
B. IFunny or Middle School
C. Divergent/ The Hunger Games
D. Dork Diaries
E. Mortal Instruments/ Twilight
F. I haven't read any of these/ I don't like any of these

Question 5: What do you mostly do on Wattpad?
A. Read Fanfiction
B. Read the funny stories
C. Read regular stories
D. Zodiac signs books or something else
E. Write
F. I don't have a Wattpad(maybe a friend is reading it to you, you found this online, ect,)

Question 6: Choose your favorite quote.
A. "The real question is...WHEN are we?" ~Clichè Time Travel Movies
B. "People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." ~Issac Asimov
C. "Hard times don't create heroes. It is during the hard times when the 'hero' within us is revealed." ~Bob Riley
D. "A day without sunshine, is like, you know, night." ~Steve Martin
E. "True courage is not brutal force of vulgar heroes, but the firm resolve of virtue and reason." ~Alfred Whitehead
F. "Dancers are the soldiers of God." ~Albert Einstein

Question 7: Do you prefer chaos or order?
A. A perfect mix of both
B. A little more order than chaos
C. I'm not sure
D. A little more chaos than order
E. Order
F. Chaos

Question 8: Are you a fangirl?
B. Not at all. Don't even talk to me about fandoms
C. Yeah, I guess
D. Not really
E. Different answer
F. A little bit

Question 9: If you had a daughter, and your husband/wife gave you six names to choose out of, what would you choose?
A. Rose
B. Lois
C. Nikki
D. Scarlett
E. Claire
F. Maddie

Question 10: If you had a son, and your husband/wife gave you 6 names to choose from, what would you choose?
A. Jack
B. Malcolm
C. Nathan
D. Gabe
E. Henry
F. Tyson

Question 11: What is your favorite school subject?
A. History
B. Math
C. Science
D. Language Arts
E. Geography
F. P.E.

Question 12: What do you think about work?
A. Who needs work when you can travel?
B. I work to live
C. Live to work!
D. I work because I want to be successful
E. I just try to get by
F. Well, it depends on the work. If it's something I love, I'll try hard. Otherwise...

Question 13: Plans for collage?
A. I don't know about collage yet.
B. I'm smart enough to get into any collage I want for free, nothing to worry about
C. No, I don't want to go to collage
D. I have to work hard! I'm already saving up so I can afford an Ivy League school
E. Yes, I plan on getting a really good job, so I'll be in a collage for a while. Probably not Ivy League
F. Maybe, but probably not

Question 14: Would you want to be famous?
A. No! The paparazzi are not for me!
B. Well, I wouldn't want to be a movie star or singer. I would want to be like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates.
C. Fame would be cool I guess
D. It depends
E. I have no idea
F. Fame means everything! I just want to be famous!!!

Question 15: Choose your favorite color(black and white are shades not colors.)
A. Blue
B. Red or orange
C. Gold or yellow
D. Green
E. Something else
F. Pink or purple

Question 16: Choose your favorite band.
A. One Direction or 5SoS
B. Green Day or Rise Against
C. I don't like any of these bands
D. Fifth Harmony or Little Mix
E. Ac/DC or Fall out Boy
F. Maroon 5 or Imagine Dragons

If you got mostly...
A's- Doctor Who
You have a love for Science Fiction that you may or may not know about! You would probably enjoy this show(if you don't already) because you have a good sense of humor, are true to your fandoms, and you are very smart!
B's- Malcolm in the Middle
Malcolm in the Middle is the perfect show for you! It is a comedy from the 2000's that will have you laughing! You are probably very smart(like Malcolm) but have other good qualities to! You are very hard working, and that's why MITM is perfect for you!
C's- Heroes
If you like the show Super Natural or Sherlock this show is your true match! With a little humor, intense drama and action, a nail-biting mystery, and super natural elements that make this show rock, it is a must watch. And if you like this, you'll love the sequel to show coming out in September- HEROES REBORN
D's- Good Luck Charlie
Since you got GLC, you are probably a fun and awesome person! You are probably smart, but you have a good sense of humor! You most likely are a sucker for Disney Channel shows, and you can't help but love this adorable comedy.
E's- The Whispers
This new ABC show is for any one into mystery AND science fiction. It is scary, mysterious, and it keeps you on your toes. You probably are very observant, which is good when you're watching this show.
F's- Dance Moms
If you don't watch this already, it's time you do! You most likely prefer a little chaos, and like watching dramas or reality TV! If you like watching dance performances, you will love this show!!!

Do you think we're right? Go ahead and start watching these shows! Doctor Who, Malcolm in the Middle, Heroes, and Good Luck Charlie can be found on Netflix! The Whispers can be found on Hulu+

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