What Hunger Games District are you?

522 12 108

This was a request from @crazydisnerd. This quiz does not include all the districts, but some of the most important ones in the series.

Question 1: Choose a city to live in.
A. New York City, New York, U.S
B. Venice, Italy
C. Los Angeles, California, U.S
D. Paris, France
E. Hong Kong, China
F. Tokyo, Japan

Question 2: What's your age?
A. 13 or under
B. 14-16
C. 17-19
D. 20-30
E. 30-45
F. 46+

Question 3: What is your eye color?
A. Other
B. Green
C. Blue
D. Black
E. Hazel
F. Brown

Question 4: Choose one word to describe yourself.
A. Fancy
B. Brave
C. Flirty
D. Selfless
E. Intelligent
F. Rebellious

Question 5: Choose your favorite fruit.
A. Apples/pears
B. Lemons/limes
C. Some sort of melon
D. Some sort of Berry
E. Something else
F. Bananas

Question 6: Your always updated on ________.
A. The latest fashion
B. The hottest trends
C. The hot gossip
D. Nothing
E. Something else
F. The latest political news

Question 7: Choose one of the following jobs.
A. Model
B. Soldier
C. Marine biologist
D. Company owner
E. Food tester
F. Author

Question 8: Your favorite social media is....
A. Instagram
B. Facebook
C. Snapchat
D. Twitter
E. Something else/ none of the above
F. Vine

Question 9: Pick a fandom
A. Supernatural/ a boy band or youtuber
B. Doctor Who/ Sherlock
C. Percy Jackson and the Olympians
D. I don't like any of these fandoms
E. Harry Potter
F. The Hunger Games/ Divergent

Question 10: What is your favorite school subject?
A. Language Arts/ English
B. P.E.
C. Math
D. Science
E. History
F. None of the above

Question 11: If District 12 was excluded from the Hunger Games, who would you root for in the 74th Hunger Games?
A. Clove
B. Cato
C. Fox Face
D. Rue
E. Marvel
F. Someone else

Question 12: If District 12 was excluded from the Hunger Games, who would you root for in the 75th Hunger Games?
A. One of the Careers
B. Finnick Odair
C. Someone else
D. Chaff
E. Johanna Mason
F. Bettee and/or Wiress

Question 13: Choose your Divergent Faction.
A. Erudite
B. Dauntless
C. Candor
D. Amity
E. Abnegation
F. Haven't watched or read Divergent

If you got mostly...
A's- The Capitol
B's- District 2
C's- District 4
D's- District 11
E's- District 12
F's- District 13

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