How are you going to die?

521 17 47

Question 1: Choose an activity to do for your next birthday.
A. Just spend time with the fam.
B. Netflix and cheese 😎
C. Road trip
D. Party time!
E. Sky diving!
F. Hiking with friends

Question 2: How would you describe yourself in two words?
A. Laid-back & chill
B. Natural leader
C. Fast & furious 😉
D. Social butterfly
E. Fun & reckless
F. Cultural and cool

Question 3: You're walking down the street and you see someone being jumped by a thug, what would you do?
A. Just keep walking
B. Jump in and try to help.
C. Try to distract the thug so the other guy can get away, and then RUN.
D. Tbh, I'd probably be the thug. #thuglife
E. Call the police
F. Other

Question 4: What's your favorite sport? (To watch or to play.)
A. Baseball
B. Gymnastics
C. Chess?
D. Swim
E. Football
F. Track

Question 5: What is your favorite school subject?
A. English
B. History
C. Music
D. Science
E. P.E.
F. Math

Question 6: What's your favorite thing to drink?
A. Milk
B. Wine
C. beer
D. Milkshakes
E. Coffee/tea
F. Water

Question 7: Pick a job.
A. Writer
B. Large company owner
C. Musician
D. Doctor
E. Pro athlete
F. Tv + film critic

Question 8: What are you must likely to be doing on a Saturday afternoon with your family?
A. Playing board games in the backyard
B. I'd probably be babysitting or alone while my parents were out.
C. Running errands
D. We're very...separated. If be out with friends or partying.
E. Sports is life.
F. Hiking is a family activity we always enjoy.

Question 9: What kind of vacation would you want?
A. A cruise to the Caribbean would be nice
B. I want to stay in a nice cabin with only a few people isolated from the world...
C. A road trip with the fam
D. A wild safari in Africa
E. Swimming with sharks
F. Anywhere in Europe

Question 10: How strong are you?
A. Very
B. Not at all
C. In the middle
D. I'm so weak I can't even
E. I'm pretty strong
F. I don't know?

Question 11: Who are you on the school social status?
A. Wallflower
B. Need
C. Popular
D. That gross kid
E. Jock
F. Other

Question 11: What Lost character can you relate with?
A. Jack
B. Charlie
C. Locke
D. Hurley
E. Boone
F. I don't watch Lost.

If you got mostly...

A's- Old age
You're going to live a long life. Whether it's sad, happy, crazy, or calm, you'll make it,

B's- murdered
You may be a powerful person or close to one, and everyone wants to get to. Lock your doors and windows.

C's- car crash
Be careful while driving. Anything can happen to anyone, especially you

D's- sickness
Looks like your health may be threatened

E's- bad physical injury's
Be careful! You may wreck yourself

F's- starvation and/or dehydration
Don't get lost next time you go hiking or go on a trip in the wilderness, it may be the cause of your death

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