What Percy Jackson couple are you & your partner?

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Question 1: First of all, what gender are you and your partner?
A. I'm a boy, and she's a girl
B. We're aliens
C. I'm a Tom boy(technically a girl), and he's a boy
D. We're both boys
E. I'm a girl and he's a boy
F. Other
G. We're both girls

Question 2: How did you guys get together?
A. We were really good friends
B. I saved my partner
C. My partner was hurt/sick and I nursed him back to help
D. I had been crushing on the other, so I asked them out.
E. We were enemies who fell for each other
F. Other
G. My partner asked me out

Question 3: What is you & your partners personality?
A. One is really dumb, but heroic---the other is really smart and kind
B. One is sweet, but impatient---the other is fun, has a great sense of humor, but is really weird
C. One is strong, and fearless-----the other is kind, patient, & is helpful
D. One is kind, and patient---the other is a little dark and gloomy
E. One is immature, playful, and childish---the other is sweet, but serious, and is caring
F. Other
G. One is emotional but kind, serious, and compassionate----the other seems to be perfect in every way

Question 4: How far apart are you in age?
A. About Half a year
B. Very far apart
C. We are the exact same age
D. I don't know
E. A year
F. 2-3 years
G. 4 years

Question 5: What is the hardest thing you went through together?
A. A long journey to save something we care about
B. I had to save my partner(or they had to save you) from something
C. When my partner(or you) got really sick/hurt
D. Relationship problems
E. Exepting our differences
F. Our age difference
G. Nothing really or something else

Question 6: Did you ever go to the same school, job, ect.?
A. We went to a camp together
B. Nope
C. We did a lot of things together
D. Family friends
E. We were neighbors
F. Same job
G. Same school

Question 7: How many relationships have you been in before?
A. One, and none
B. One of us has been in a lot...the other has been in none
C. I've been in none, but I don't know about my partner
D. 1st relationship for both of us
E. 2-5
F. None, and a few
G. A few, and I'm not sure

Question 8: Was your partner your first kiss?
A. Yes
B. I've never had a first kiss
C. No
D. We haven't kissed
E. Kinda
F. I'm not sure
G. I can't tell you that

Question 9: What's the worst thing your partners ever done to you?
A. Nothing
B. Left you
C. Hit you
D. Said something really mean to you
E. Lied to you
F. Cheated on you
G. Other

Question 10: Use one word to describe your relationship.
A. Honest
B. Fun
C. Other
D. Different
E. Playful
F. Kind
G. Perfect

Question 11: What was your first date like?
A. We made out
B. Dinner
C. I don't know if we've technically been on a "date"
D. A walk under the stars
E. We saw a movie
F. Something else
G. A picnic

Question 12: Did you know a lot about this person before dating them?
A. Yes
B. Somewhat
C. Nothing at all, I didn't even know he existed
D. Not much, I knew who he was though
E. A little
F. Something else
G. I'm not sure

Question 13: Do you and your partner LOVE each other?
A. Yes
B. We haven't known each other long enough
C. I'm not sure
D. I don't think so
E. I love my partner, but I don't know if they love me back
F. My partner told me that they loved me, but I don't know if I love them back
G. Other

Question 14: Who is your favorite single character?
A. Thalia Grace
B. Reyna
C. Someone else
D. Bianaca Di Angelo
E. Connor Stoll
F. Michel Yew
G. Rachel

Question 15: How far do you think your relationship will go?
A. Married with kids
B. Only for a while...unfortunately
C. Get married when we're old(like 40 years old)
D. I don't know
E. It depends
F. Forever
G. For a long time

If you got mostly...
D's... Solangelo

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Follow Claire_Bennet! Also, she does cover request. She made my cover for the Clarrise La Rue story & this book. She is also writing a story called Daughter of Hades. It is really good. So check out her book and request a cover. Bye!

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