What is your celebrity job?

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Q 1. It's a Friday night. What are you doing?
A. At dance class, performing at the local restaurant, or practicing your instrument
B. Hanging with friends
C. At a sports match
D. Writing your novel, reading a book, or watching cartoons
E. Other
F. Every Friday night is different.

Q 2. You and your friend are making a murder mystery movie. What is your role?
A. creating the movie sound track
B. You're one of the lead roles
C. Just an extra
D. Writing the script
E. Props, costume designer, or playing a part with a few roles
F. Casting or being the director yourself

Q 3. Pick an elective.
A. Music
B. Drama
C. Sports team
D. Creative writing or art
E. None of the above! Unless their is a fashion class, I'm doing study hall.
F. Film class

Q 4. Pick your favorite tv character.
A. Dewey Wilkerson from Malcolm in the Middle
B. Hiro Nakumara from Heroes
C. Claire Bennet from Heroes
D. I haven't seen any of these shows
E. Tyra Banks from Americas next top model
F. Dez from Austin and Ally.  

Q 5. What are you most likely to win in your class?
A. None of these
B. Best personality
C. Most athletic
D. Most friendly
E. Best eyes, or best hair or best dressed
F. Most likely to succeed

Q 6. How many books have you read this month?(if it's the beginning of the month, include last month)
A. 1-3
B. 4
C. Do magazines count?
D. 10+
E. None
F. 5-9

Q 7. Have you ever considered writing a novel?
A. Once
B. A few times
C. Never
D. I'm writing one right now or I've already wrote one
E. What's that?
F. All the time

Q 8. What was your grade point average in school?
A. C's
B. Never went to school
C. D's
D. B's
E. F's
F. A's

Q 9. Do you think you're pretty or handsome?
A. I don't think so, but others do
B. I think I'm gorgeous
C. When I try to, I can look decent
D. No
E. All the time. Im the prettiest girl in the world
F. I don't know

Q 10. What word would you use to describe yourself?
A. Musical
B. Dramatic
C. Athletic
D. Artistic or creative
E. Pretty
F. Smart

Q 11. Your best friend is getting beaten to a pulp by the school bully. What do you do?
A. Stand in the middle
B. Break them apart
C. Join the fight,
D. Tell an adult
E. Watch from the sides
F. I'd probably be the kid getting beaten up

Q 12. What is your favorite reality tv show?
A. The Voice, Dance Moms or Dancing with the Stars
B. The Kardashians
C. Reality TV is stupid
D. Project Runway or Are you smarter than a 5th Grader?
E. Americas Next Top Model
F. I haven't seen any of these/ don't like them

Q 13. Pick a brand to sponsor you.
A. Coke
B. I don't need sponsors! I'm rich!
C. Gatorade
D. Scholastic
E. Cover Girl
F. All I need is a producer.

Q 14. What's the best thing about a book?
A. The words and format
B. The exciting plot
C. Eww books....
D. Everything
E. The pictures! (I DON'T READ CHAPTER BOOKS!!!)
F. Something else

Q 15. What's your favorite genre of music?
A. I can't pick one.
B. Pop
C. Rap or punk rock
D. R&B soul/ classical
E. Something else
F. Hip hop

If you got mostly...
A's...Singer, dancer, or Musician
Based on your results, your probably a dancer, you're good at singing, or you may be good at playing an instrument. You probably like performing, and have a good taste in music. You are also good at channeling your emotions.
Since you got Actor, you are probably a little dramatic. But that's good!(sometimes). You probably are good at reading and memorizing things. You also known for being smart. Keep it up!
Are you athletic? You are probably strong, and enjoy sports. Am I right? You may not be the smartest, but your strong nature keeps you on track.
D's...author or artist
Since you got author or artist, I'm sure your very creative! You probably got good grades through school, and you probably like watching game shows. You most likely don't think you're very good looking, and you love to express yourself through writing or art.
E's...super model
You're a super model! You're probably very pretty, and have attitude. You probably didn't enjoy school, and didn't try very hard. You probably like reality TV, and do different things every day. You most likely don't have a daily schedule, so you're free to go on dates!
F's...director or producer
Based on your results, you probably are good with cameras, and you are careful about the decisions you make. You're very smart, and like to take videos/photos. You probably get a little bossy sometimes, but it's okay.

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