What genre of dance fits your personlaity?

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(Above is a video of Raise The Dead a teen dance from my studio. It's contemporary. I'm not in it) 

Q 1. What word would you use to describe yourself?
A. Gentle
B. Dramatic
C. Sassy
D. Cool
E. Performer
F. Fast

Q 2. What career would you choose?
A. Care taker/ teacher/ or nurse
B. Chiropractor/ Massauge therapist/ dancer
C. Musician/ fighter/ or gym coach
D. Stylist/ no job/ NASCAR driver/ or football player
E. Actor/ director/ or Broadway star
F. Business manager/ personal assistant/ or producer

Q 3. What is your favorite type of music?
A. Classical
B. R&B soul/ or county
C. Pop
D. Rap/ Metal/ Rock
E, Other
F. Every kind

Q 4. What is your favorite book genre?
A. Historical fiction
B. Realistic fiction/ or poetry
C. Romance/ or other
D. Action/ adventure/ or I don't read
E. Mystery/ Fantasy
F. Comedy

Q 5. Your best friend is getting beaten to a pulp by the school bully. What do you do?
A. Watch from the side lines, this will teach her a lesson.
B. Step in, and try to pull them apart.
C. Start yelling mean things about the bully, they might come after you instead of your friend.
D. You jump in. Your friend could use a little help.
E. You watch, and than have your friends help gang up on him/ her later.
F. Other

Q 6. Tonight, all the kids at your school a coming for a roof top party. No supervisors. Your friends invite you to come, but your parents would never allow you to do something like that. What do you do?
A. Turn them down, and say that you're parents would find out.
B. Tell them you'll think about it. And than beg your parents.
C. You ask, "When does the party start?"
D. Tell your friends that you'll meet them at the school when your parents fall asleep
E. Other
F. Of course I'm going! My parents let me do stuff like that all the time.

Q 7. What's your favorite ballet?
A. I can't pick one!
B. Swan lake
C. Dracula
D. Forget it!
E. The nutcracker
F. Sleeping beauty

Q 8. What do I you look for in a partner?
A. Honesty, and loyalty
B. Kindness, and dedication
C. Looks
D. Someone just like you, and someone who has confidence
E. Someone who has love for the arts, and is intelligent
F. Someone with a sense of humor, and is fun

Q 9. You are walking down the street when you see a homeless man with a sign. What do you do?
A. Give him money and food
B. Offer your loose change
C. "Go get a job!"
D. Beat him to a pulp, and mug him for what he's got.
E. Bless him, or tell him to have good luck
F. Just walk right past

Q 9. What TV character can you relate to the most?
A. Peter Patrelli from Heroes
B. Clarke from The 100
C. Bri from Lab Rats
D. Reese from Malcolm in the Middle
E. I have seen these shows, but I don't relate to any of these characters
F. I haven't seen any of these shows

Q 10. Pick a movie
A. The phantom of the opera
B. Unbroken
C. Pitch Perfect
D. Insidious/ I haven't seen any of these
E. High School Musical
F. Singing in the rain

Q 11. Pick an author
A. Mark Twain
B. Veronica Roth
C. Suzanne Collins
D. Books? I hate books/ or I don't know who these authors are
E. Edgar Allen Poe
F. James Patterson

Q 12. What is your morning drink?
A. Coffee
B. Orange juice
C. A smoothie
D. Milk
E. Water
F. Other

Q 13. What is your opinion on school?
A. It's our key to success in life
B. School is one of the most important things in life
C. School is boring, and the only reason why I go is because my friends are there
D. I wish I could quit
E. School is a great place to meet new people and try different things(drama club, physics, basket ball, ect.)
F. School leads up to college. And I heard college is a lot of fun...so school rocks!

Q 14. There was a murder! Who are you?
A. The victim
B. The detective
C. The suspect
D. The murderer
E. The fellow investigators
F. The witness

If you got mostly...
D's...hip hop
E's...musical theatre

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