Which Doctor Who Companion are you?

315 11 21

In this quiz, it will only be companions from the 2005+ reboot. So, no Classic Who companions! Rory and Captain Jack are not included, sorry boys!

Question 1:  Which word best describes you?
A. Fun
B. Intelligent
C. Sassy
D. Caring
E. Strong
F. Curious

Question 2: What is your best physical feature?
A. Butt/ or bust
B. Lips
C. None of these
D. Cheeks
E. My hair
F. My eyes

Question 3: What job would you pursue in?
A. Parent
B. Doctor or scientist
C. Travel writer
D. Model
E. Spy
F. Teacher

Question 4: What is your worst fear?
A. Losing the ones I love
B. Spiders/ snakes/ other "creepy crawler"
C. The dark
D. Aliens
E. I'm afraid of nothing
F. Psycho killers 

Question 5: Are you crazy?
A. No, the opposite
B. Definitely not
C. A little
D. Maybe
E. Very
F. i don't know

Question 6: What is your favorite movie genre?
A. I'm always pumped up to see a new horror/thriller!
B. Comedy's put a smile on my face!
C. Drama's always get me wound up
D. Pure romance just makes my heart pound!
E. Action/Adventure movies make my head spin with excitement
F. Family movies make me laugh/ None of these

Question 7: Choose your favorite Doctor!
A. Ten is the best!
B. Nine of course!
C. How could I decide?
D. my favorite is from Classic Who!
E. 11 stole my heart!
F. 12 gives me a laugh

Question 8: If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?
A. I wish I lived at home with my family
B. I wish more people would like me
C. My life is perfect
D. Other change
E. I wish my dead family member(s) was here with me...
F. I want a better career and home

Question 9: You HAVE to go see one of these movies with someone(friend, family, partner, ect.). You get to choose, what would you choose? (None of these are real)
A. Ripped Blue Jeans- a coming of age story about a teen moving from the big city to Nebraska
B. Finding Mars- In 2050 a group of humans fly to Mars to discover creatures lurking in the shadows(very sciencey)
C. Getting away with it- Jenny Stwert is always getting out of trouble thanks to her powers of persuasion
D. Beach House- A married couple go away to live in a beach house for vacation so they can get away from their problems
E. Live, Kill, Die, Repeat- Agent Regina Williams and Matt Wilkerson trace down a gang of killers
F. The SpongeBob Squarepants movie 2- SpongeBob and Patrick must save Bikini Bottom from being blown up by Plankton

Question 10: Do you like reading?
A. It's all right...
B. I like nonfiction
C. Hate it
D. Yeah
E. fanfiction is the best...

Question 11: What is your favorite school subject?
A. Math
B. Science
C. Lunch
D. Music
E. History
F. Language Arts

Question 12: What word describes Doctor Who the best?
A. Beautiful
B. Insane
C. Entertaining
D. Original
E. Exhilarating
F. Cool

Question 13: Choose a city to travel to
A. New York, USA
B. Tokyo, Japan
C. Cario, Egypt
D. Berlin, Germany
E. Hollywood, Los Angles, USA
F. Rio, Brazil

Question 14: Where would you want to travel first?
A. Earth's future
B. Earth's past
C. Another country present Earth
D. The new Earth
E. Another planet
F. Surprise me!

Question 15: Choose a Disney princess
A. Merida
B. Cinderella
C. Elsa
D.  Rapunzel
E. Sleeping Beauty
F. Mulan

Question 16: Choose an author.
A.  Stephine Meyer
B.  J. K. Rowling
C. Rick Riordan
D. Veronica Roth
E. James Patterson.
F. John Green

If you got mostly...
A's- Rose Tyler
B's- Martha Jones
C's- Donna Noble
D's- Amy Pond
E's- River Song
F's- Clara Oswald

It has been months since I've updated! I'm sorry! I know I said I was going to update more, but I lied. I'm sorry, Doctor Who has taken control of my life! Now I've finished season 8, I can update more. Thanks for understanding!

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