Chapter 39

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It was now Sunday and I was lying on my bed staring at the ceiling. I had ventured out of my room to eat breakfast this morning but hurried back as soon as I had finished. It was quiet, and I felt the awkwardness that hung in the air. They wanted to say something but didn't know what and they were scared in case they said something that would create a bad reaction from me. I suppose they were right in doing so. When I came back to bed after eating last night I had cried myself to sleep. Pathetic I know, but I couldn't help it I felt so stupid and just disgusted at myself. I was over Josh a little but obviously not enough.

I had decided to stay in my room and save everyone from the need that they had to talk to me. I had also politely declined Melinda and Amy's offer to go out with them. Apparently Piper was taking them all out shopping. Melinda had tried joking about how her dad and brothers had argued about this, and I had forced a smile for her. She obviously saw right through me, but then again she would. I was positive I felt about as good as I looked. Which was horrible by the way.

Chris had been in and out of my room, but I wasn't good company. He'd sit next to me on my bed, hoping to offer me comfort by him being there, but I didn't react much. I did feel comforted by the fact that he was with me and all I wanted to do was roll over and have him hug me while I cried. But I was fed up with crying and it wouldn't change what had happened, and besides I didn't want to do that to Chris. Even if he is here for me it wasn't fair to keep doing that to him all of the time. So I just stayed in the same place, lying on my side until he went out of the room.

So here I was, on my own in the house. Piper had locked me in, knowing that I wouldn't venture outside my room let alone the Manor and I had agreed with her. I had gotten so bored that I had decided to look for pictures in the ceiling, since the ceiling in our room had some sort of texture to it. Gosh I can't believe how bored I was. I swear if I didn't get out soon I might go crazy. On the bright side, I had managed to finish off the song about Chris during my time cooped up in my room over the weekend.

Get a grip girl. I shouldn't let Josh have this control over me. So one demon had managed to fool me, so what there were plenty out there that needed getting rid of  I lectured myself and smiled at the thought that was forming in my head.

I shimmered up to the attic. I knew it was safe to do so seeing as how no one would walk in on me, and I needed to work out my powers more. I grabbed a crystal and a map and scryed for evil in the city. Probably a bad idea, especially if I needed back up but I wasn't bothered about that, I just needed to get all of this bottled up emotion out. And the best way to do that would be to vanquish some demons.

The crystal landed and I memorised the name, before shimmering to where there was evil. I arrived in an open street, in a more run down part of the area where the houses needed repairing. The front lawns were overgrown. And the ground was covered in litter and cigarette ends. This was generally where the druggies hung out.

A demon was bent over an innocent. The innocent's legs were still twitching, but I couldn't see the body because the demon was wearing a cape that covered them both. I could tell that the demon was male and he was bent over the innocent near the throat and chest region. There was a sickly sucking noise coming from the demon. I think he was eating the innocent's throat.

"Hey, what are you? A vampire or something?" I joked and the demon turned. Fangs and all. He was a vampire. Blood covered his mouth and trickled down his chin and neck. Ugh, I feel sick. I held up my hands, palm facing upwards, and pictured a powerful fireball flying into the vampire's chest. I was about to call fire to me when the fireball was released and the vampire squealed before exploding.

I looked around to make sure that no one saw that before going over to the body. The innocent, a female no older than I'd say about twenty-four, was dead. I watched as her spirit rose out of her body and disappear into the sky. I stayed where I was for another minute, to pay my respects to her soul and wish her well in the afterlife before I orbed home. For some reason I felt more comfortable orbing than shimmering, considering orbing wasn't my power.

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