Chapter 37

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Note: Who's going to the get-together in NYC? New chapter alert and I know some of you might be happy about this. This chapter is slightly long it was just over 6 pages on Microsoft word but I'm too lazy to do a two-parter again.  I think it was kind of rushed but let me know what you think. Comment, fan and vote if you want me to know your thoughts on this chapter. Enjoy my lovelies, Laura X


"I finally managed to send off the form yesterday" Amy said.

"What kept you so long?" I replied frowning at her. She sighed.

"It's been hard to get my dad to sit in the same room as me for more than three minutes, let alone long enough to tell him about the signing and ask him to give his permission" she shrugged and sighed again.

"Oh Amy you know you're welcome to stay with us for a while if you need to" Melinda said hugging her. Amy smiled at her and hugged her back.

"Thanks" Amy replied.

It's been four days since we met with Liam Westwood and got signed to Gold Records, which was the name of Liam's label. It was now Friday and Melinda, Amy and myself were sitting outside a café. I had a mint chocolate ice cream milkshake in front of me. Melinda had a cola and Amy had a vanilla ice cream milkshake. We were on a girl's afternoon out. As soon as school had ended we all went back to the Manor and got changed out of the clothes we had been wearing all day. I didn't like Friday afternoons since we had sport all afternoon and playing outside on the fields under the heat had made us all sweat. It wasn't so bad though since we had been playing volleyball and my team won, though Amy ended up with red wrists afterwards.

"So what are the guys doing?" Amy asked and Melinda and I shrugged.

"Who knows. Probably playing football or basketball or something like that. You never know with Wyatt and Chris" I replied and Melinda and Amy wiggled their eyebrows at me.

"Don't start guys I told you it's hard to decide" I said and Melinda rolled her eyes.

"Oh please it's so easy" Amy said and I giggled at her.

"Yeah because we know who you would pick" Melinda said giggling with me. Amy frowned and we both stared at her in shock.

"His name starts with a W" I said and Amy blushed red.

"How did you-?" she ended. Melinda and I laughed. I nearly fell off my chair because I was laughing that much. What a ridiculous question.

"Because we're witches" Melinda whispered and I laughed harder, so much so that my cheeks were aching.

"No because we're girls who know their best friend well enough to guess that she likes Wyatt" I calmed enough to say that.

"Well there's that and the fact that you blush whenever he's in a room, sometimes you just stare at him and we haven't missed the fact that you always seem to orbit around each other" Melinda backed me up. I pointed my finger at Amy as I took a sip of my milkshake through the straw.

"Yeah that can sometimes alert people to major physical attraction" I said once I had gulped down my drink. Amy rolled her eyes.

"Why do I hang out with you, is it to get picked on?" Amy said sarcastically.

"Oh it's because you love us and we love you" I replied and Amy nodded. We all smiled at each other.

A scream erupted from the alleyway just behind us. We all jumped up and grabbed our things before running towards the alleyway.

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