Chapter 17

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"Hey you did well Lila" Wyatt said as they both bent down to my level. I shook my head before looking at the floor to hide my face as I felt really annoyed that the circle casting had gotten so out of hand. A hand touched my chin, forcing my head up and as I responded I saw that the hand belonged to Chris. He frowned at seeing the expression on my face.

"Lila are you okay?" he asked and I sighed, shaking my head as I stood up, not wanting to talk.

I heard their footsteps follow me as I walked into the living room and they both sat down on either side of me. Everyone else was already in the living room by the time we had got there. I massaged my head out of habit this time, in the hope that it would help me think clearly.

"Lila?" Leo said.

"Huh, what?" I said incoherently not realising he had said anything until Wyatt nudged me. As I looked up I saw Piper and Leo looking at me with concern. I flushed under their gaze and they gave me one of their looks that usually said 'speak or else'. I sighed, deciding that I might as well tell them how bad I was feeling about the casting since they would find some way of getting me to vocalise my thoughts.

"Sorry, you know about the circle" I said and earned frowns from my family.

"Lila why are you sorry? That was awesome" Melinda said from where she was sat on the chair to the right sine Piper and Leo were sitting on the chair to the left. She earned sounds of agreement. At that point Amy walked into the living room holding two cans of cola and handed me one as she sat down on the floor in front of me.

"I agree with Mel. Thank you for doing that to help me understand my powers, and yours. But I'm kind of scared that I won't be able to control them" Amy said and leaned her head back against my knees. She had obviously heard my apology on her way back here.

"You mean none of you are angry? You don't hate me?" I said feeling confused. This time Melinda gave me a sharp look.

"Why would we hate you?" she said staring at me without blinking. I shrugged.

"Because it was dangerous and you could've been hurt, Mel" I frowned and felt Amy sigh at my feet.

"Why would they hate you? It was my fault that air got out of control in the first place" she said and this time I felt myself shaking my head.

"It's not your fault Aims we couldn't control our powers when we first had them either. It takes a while for you to keep your powers and emotions under control at first" using her nickname in the hopes that she would feel better.

"Really? I thought it was just me?" Amy replied, sounding hurt.

"Of course. I remember when I first got my blowing up power. Every time I was startled or annoyed and I held up my hands something would blow up. When Leo popped into my bedroom I got scared and nearly blew him up, but luckily it was my stereo that died" Piper said and Amy looked at her, nodding when Piper was finished. I stretched my mind and found that she felt better thanks to Piper's words. I smiled at Piper and she nodded back, obviously knowing that I was grateful.

"So can you tell me more about being a witch?" Amy asked and the Halliwell family and I nodded.

"What do you wanna know?" Melinda asked making herself comfortable on the chair as Amy walked over to her and sat on the arm of the chair to Mel's right. As she sat down she shrugged.

"I'm not sure. Tell me about you guys being witches." I laughed at her reply and she looked at me. I sighed.

"Well that my friend is complicated" I grinned at Piper and Leo and they rolled their eyes. Wyatt took a breath.

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