Chapter 15

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It was now a Thursday. Josh and I had officially been dating for five days and it was going well. The only problem was that this week Amy hadn't turned up for school, which was very unusual as she was always at school and tried her best to attend everyday. I think se pretty much had 100% attendance, the nerd.

"Lila you don't need to worry. Amy is a big girl, she can look after herself" Josh said. He had been trying to comfort me about the Amy situation since we started walking home from school. The Halliwells had already got home because Josh and I had been walking slow, it was also because I stopped every now and then to call Amy's mobile.

"I know that Josh but she never misses a day of school and she always answers her phone. She's never ignored my calls or texts before" I said.

"Lila you need to calm down" Josh said hugging me as we arrived at the bottom of the steps leading up to the manor. "-you're not gonna be able to do anything if you're not thinking straight. I'm sure Amy will get in touch with you soon, just be patient, there must be a perfectly good reason as to why she hasn't answered" he said. I nodded realising that he was right, and I leaned my head against his shoulder as he stroked my hair.

"Lila you'd better come inside!" Leo called from the doorway.

"Okay I'll be right there!" I called back then turned to Josh and kissed him.

"I'll talk to you later" he said as we pulled away, and I nodded before making my way up the stairs and in through the front door. I stood in the doorway, watching Josh go and only closed it when he turned around the corner out of my sight.

"You have a visitor waiting for you in your room" Leo explained as I slipped my trainers off and got rid of my bag and jacket. I cocked my head to the side questioningly. He shook his head.

"Just go upstairs. She's been here since everyone got back from school. I think Melinda is sitting with her" I nodded and made my way towards the stairs, just as he called out making me stop in my tracks.

"How are things going between you and Josh?" he asked. I felt my face heat up in a blush as I turned towards him.

"Okay thanks. Why?" I replied.

"No reason. It's just that Melinda's been getting a bad feeling about him lately" he shrugged which made me roll my eyes. Gosh I was so tired of hearing this. First Cole had said this when I got back home, the night I said 'yes' to Josh, and now my family were doubting my boyfriend.

"Seriously Leo, what is your problem with him? Why do you all hate him so much?" I said getting defensive.

"We don't hate him, but you know how Melinda is when she has her feelings" he replied. I hummed and nodded my head, not believing a word he was saying, then turned towards the stairs and made my way up them.

"What are we having to eat?" I asked, stopping halfway up the stairs, suddenly interested as I realised how hungry I was.

"Chicken curry I think" he replied and I nodded before starting up the stairs again.

I emerged on the landing and made my way down the corridor and around the corner to my room. The door was ajar and I could hear sobbing coming from inside it. I opened the door and saw Amy and Melinda sitting on my bed. Melinda was holding Amy as she sobbed into Melinda's shoulder.

"Hey is everything okay?" I asked, and both girls jumped at my voice. They looked towards me and I saw that both of them were crying. Amy jumped off the bed and headed towards me, I held my arms out and she ran into me, grabbing hold of my jumper and sobbing into my chest as she was too small to reach my shoulder. I stroked her hair and led her back over to my bed, both of us sitting down at the same moment.

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