Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

“Yes… I said that already… Fine… Okay Emily, I get it… Yes…Okay goodbye.” I watched as Niall hung up the phone, slamming it on the counter and running his hands through his hair.

Glancing at Darien, wrapped in Harry’s embrace, she wore the same worried expression I had. This phone call didn’t sound good. Hesitantly, I rested my hand on Niall’s back and rubbed in circles. He looked up at me, a mix of emotions swarming in his eyes, as he visibly relaxed from my touch.

“I love you, Olivia. Whatever happens tonight, don’t ever forget that.” He whispered. His confession gave me a chill that ran through my body, it was eerie, making me feel like this whole ‘lie’ was actually real.

I silently nodded and he pulled me into his chest, kissing my hair. “What did she say?” The words came out of my mouth before I could even process this all.

“I’m meeting her tonight at some restaurant to discuss what we are going to do about this.” He breathed.

“I don’t know man, that seems sketchy. Why would you meet in a public place? Something like this should be taken seriously and indoors.” Harry spoke up. This whole conversation sparked anger in me, but I know Harry was trying to watch out for his best mate.

“Yeah, Niall. This seems a little set up don’t you think?” Darien questioned, sipping her tea.

I unwrapped myself from Niall, headed towards the kitchen and turned on the kettle, absentmindedly making myself tea. This was all too much to take in right now. What could she possibly want? Is she still out to get me? Man, this chick can hold a grudge.

Pouring the water into my cup I realized she could have told the paparazzi all this and paid them off to take pictures of them tonight. Niall needs to do all this somewhere else, not in public, not in the obvious for everyone to see them. 

“Just, give me some time to think.” Niall rubbed his eyes and left the room, visibly frustrated. 

I set my tea down and in that moment, I felt guilty. Like this was my entire fault. In a way, it was. If I wasn’t in Niall’s life, he would still be with Emily and this whole mess wouldn’t be happening. It’s all my fault.

“Stop.” I looked up to see Darien, her hands resting on my shoulders slightly shaking me. “I know what you’re thinking. It’s not your fault. Trust me, it’s not. This Emily is one evil woman who is just bitter because you got what she wanted. Don’t even think this is on you.” She reassured me. 

All I could do was nod. She gave me a small smile and watched as I walked in the direction Niall left- the backyard. I saw him sitting on the little porch swing, the one that I brought from my house in Mullingar, the one that held so many memories for us. He silently sat, swaying with the breeze, staring off into the distance. I sat next to him and laid my head on his warm chest. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my hair, his favourite thing to do.

“You’re going to go tonight?” I asked, closing my eyes because I knew what the answer would be.

“Yes.” He sighed, this wasn’t just bothering me. “I’m going for us, for our future Olivia.”

I inhaled sharply, “Our future?” Looking up at him, he nodded.

“I want to be with you, through everything. This is just an obstacle we have to cross, together.” His words made my heart flutter in my chest. We will have a future together, the idea made me smile, even in this moment when everything was against us. Niall is my light at the end of a dark tunnel, my hope.

“I love you Ni.” 

“I love you too, baby.” With that, I was confident we would make it through whatever was thrown at us. 

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