Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

"Darien!!!" I ran up to her wrapping my arms around her. We stayed there for awhile hugging each other so tight.

"I've missed you so much Olivia! Don't ever leave me again!" She giggled and I laughed along with her.

I pulled away and smiled when I saw her sparkling blue eyes. I missed her so much. Darien Rose Johnson, my absolute best girl friend. We met in the fashion industry when I moved to London. She was looking for a job and requested a meeting with me. I offered her the job as V.P. in my department and she has never failed me.

"How has everything been?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes. "Stop worrying, everything's been great! Sales have gone up and I designed three new dresses I want to run by you later."

"Of course! Let's go home, you need to fill me in on everything." She smiled and I was about to get in the car when I was grabbed and pulled around.

"Bye, babe." Harry swooped down and brushed his lips on mine. We were still at the airport and there was a ton of paps around, of course we had to share a kiss.

"Bye, Haz. I'll call you later?" He was so close, his curls were tickling my forehead.

"Yeah, sounds good. Oh and we're going out to dinner tonight so I'll pick you two up around seven." I nodded and he gave me one last hug and one to Darien as well. We hopped into her car and left the airport.

We drove off and soon reached our flat that we shared. It was a lovely three bedroom place with a huge kitchen and living room. We loved living together, we connected from the minute we met so it was ideal for us. I feel bad for Harry because I didn't tell him about Emily, yet Darien knows the whole story.

She's cried with me, cursed with me, and even cuddled with me on those really bad days. This is why it's great to have a best friend who's a girl, that knows what it's like and how you feel. Harry understands me as well but it's different from a man's point of view. I'm so lucky to have Darien, we're business partners and best friends.

"Oh how I've missed this!" I fell onto my queen sized bed and laid there for awhile while Darien just laughed.

"You're crazy you know that?" She laughed and sat next to me. "Here's your present, happy birthday, babe!" She was grinning as she handed me the long box.

I took it from her, read the sweet card and proceeded to the wrapped box. I opened it up to find a little jewelry holder, a mannequin wearing a purple dress. It was where I could put my necklaces on, I loved it.

"Thank you so much! This is such a great gift!" I hugged her tight and set up the new item on my dresser.

"Glad you like it! Would you like anything for lunch? I bet you're hungry from the trip."

I looked at my new wrist watch that El got me, it was around noon here. I had horrible jet lag and wanted nothing more than to sleep.

"No, I'm fine. I think I'm going to sleep for a few hours. Wake me up around five, remember we're going out with the guys tonight." She nodded and left my room, slowly closing the door behind her.

I cuddled up in my bed and knocked out within seconds.


"Olllliiiiivvvvviiiiiaaaaaa!! Wake up!!" I heard someone yell out, turning on my bedroom lights.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Darien's face right in front of me. Her eyes were wide and a huge grin was spread across her face. I smiled back and she got off of me while I sat up.

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