Standing Up & Giving In

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Haley: Ok, so the answer isssssss. Haley was currently sitting in the library with one of her students pointing to the piece of paper.

Johnson: ummmmmmmmm, 3? He looked up at her to see Ms. Jay with her eyes closed and her hand pinching the bridge of her nose. What?

Haley: X, the answer is x. Its ok, lets try another one.

Johnson: It doesnt matter how many we do, Im still not going to understand it. This aint even English class, why are there letters? He put his head on his arms.

Haley: If this were English class, I would scold you for using aint. I believe in you. Are you saying that its not warranted.?

Johnson breathed in and then out. All right, lets try another one. Haley smiled; she was always good at guilt trips.

Lucas was just walking to the gym when he heard her laugh. He backtracked and looked in the library to see her with one of his players. She was sitting next to him pointing at a problem and laughing. She clapped her hands together and then she put her hand up to high five, which he did. Leave it to Haley to be so cheesy. He laughed to himself. Her hair was hanging beside her face and the kid was staring at her without her knowing. Lucas realized suddenly why Johnson was so bummed lately. Haley was currently on maternity leave. Wait a minuteHe walked into the library. What are you doing here hales?

Haley looked up and her smile faded a little. He hated that he made her stop smiling. There used to be a time when he would be the one making her smile. Luke, hey.

Lucas: Dont hey me. You are supposed to be on maternity leave. She went to speak but he stopped her. You know what the doctor said, you could go into labor anytime and you are supposed to be resting.

Haley got up from the table with a suspicious look in her eye. Johnson slid back in his chair away from the table. Oh, I know that look. She got that look when I failed by English test. Good Luck Dude. He grabbed his bag and left.

Haley: You know what, I am the one pregnant here and I have been resting for 9 months. She got louder. Im tired of resting. The librarian looked over and shushed them. Did you just shush me? She looked over at the librarian who glared at her. Oh no she did not. She began to walk over to her.

Lucas grabbed her before she got to far. Whoa there

Haley: OhMy.God She stopped struggling.

Lucas got worried. What? Whats wrong? Are you ok He grabbed her face with both hands and looked into her eyes. They stared at each other for a moment before Haley remembered she didnt have a right to look in his eyes anymore.

Haley: Water!

Lucas: You need water?

Haley looked irritated. No, my water broke. She pointed to the floor where a puddle was. Lucas looked surprised.

Lucas: Ok, so water broke. I have no idea what to do here.

Haley was once again irritated. Well maybe you should have thought about that before you knocked me up. Of course you seemed to have known what you were doing then, its when it gets to the difficult part that you dont know what your doing. She started to pant.

Lucas: Ok, lets just get you to the hospital. He helped her to his truck.

Haley: Ok, I changed my mind, I dont want to do this. She was panting and breathing in bed while Lucas held her hand next to her bed.

Lucas: Hales, a little late there. She squeezed his hand hard. But you never know, you might be the first one to ever do it. Trying to please her.

Haley: What was I thinking? Its like getting drunk. She continued to breathe in and out. Lucas looked confused.

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