How The Years Go By

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DJ: Ladies and gentlemen, introducing Mr. And Mrs. Lucas Scott. Everyone clapped as Haley and Lucas walked into the reception area. Lucas and Haley separated slightly and were greeted and congratulated by friends and family. Everyone sat down and began to eat and chat about how wonderful the wedding was. The couple wandered around thanking people for coming and bringing gifts. Lucas tried to stay focused but all he could see was his beautiful wife.

Haley kept sneaking glances his way every once and a while only to notice that he had not looked away. He continued to sit and talk to his friend with his feet propped up on another chair in front of him but blatantly stared at her as if she were the only one in the world. Her face flushed red.

Lucas excused himself from one of his old college friends and came up behind Haley. Do you know how much I want you right now.

Haley giggled. I noticed. Its kind of hard not to when you keep giving me those looks. Lucas kissed her neck and put his hands around her so that they touched in front of her. Haley grabbed them.

Lucas: What can I say? I love my wife.

Haley: You could at least be a little less obvious. She turned her head so that she was looking at him.

Lucas: Me, be less obvious? You could be a little less obvious.

Haley opened her mouth in shock. What?

Lucas: Every time I look at you, you blush like a schoolgirl.

Haley hissed. Thats because I know what your thinking. So again stop being so obvious.

Lucas: Why?

Haley turned around so that she was facing him but still in his arms. Because maybe I might have a headache tonight. She put on a serious face.

Lucas: Well, maybe you better take some aspirin. Haley laughed and kissed him. Lucass hands slid down to her butt. He groaned and then pulled away from her. Haley put her hands up in question. Im not going to start something I cant finish, mirroring what she had told him that day on the beach. He got closer to her and leaned towards her ear. Besides, Im trying to be less obvious. He walked past her and patted her behind as he went to talk to his mother. She jumped a little and laughed one of her loud gut filled laughs. He loved when she laughed like that.

DJ: All right now it is time for the first dance. He put on Oh How The Years Go Buy sung by Vanessa Williams. Lucas grabbed Haleys hand and led her to the dance floor. Haley thought he was the most gorgeous specimen she had ever laid her eyes on. By this time he had taken off his tuxedo jacket and rolled up his sleeves mid elbow. He had loosened his tie and his shirt hung limp around his waist from being un tucked. He had already started to get stubble on his chin, which she loved. Most women she knew hated the scratching affect but she enjoyed how it felt when he kissed her. Lucas wrapped his arms around her waist and she put her arms around his neck.
In our times of trouble, we only had ourselves, nobody else
No one there to save us, we had to save ourselves

And when the storms came through they found me and you, uh back together
And when the sun would shine, it was yours and mine, yours and mine forever

And oh how the years go by
Oh how the love brings tears to my eyes
All through the changes, the soul never dies
We fight, we laugh, we cry, As the years go by
Lucas: You know I love you right? He stared into her eyes desperate for her to understand how much.

Haleys smile faded. She used one of her hands to rub the side of his face. I know. I love you too. Lucas nodded his head and pulled her closer. Haley smiled again.
There were times we stumbled, they thought they had us down, we came around
And how we rolled and rumbled, we got lost and we got found
Now were back on solid ground

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