Chapter 13 (I Belong To You)

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Lucas reached over to the other side of the bed only to find Haley missing. He could always feel when she wasnt with him. He opened his eyes and found her sitting in front of the toilet. He got out of bed and held her hair back as she threw up. Haley wiped her face and brushed her teeth real quick.

Haley: "Im pregnant!"

Lucas: "I know" Haley was shocked. "How?"

Lucas sat in front of her and pushed her hair out of her face. "Baby I know you and your body. We have been having sex non stop for 5 weeks. Now I admit Im no expert on the subject but that is 1 week longer than we are supposed to."

Haley: "I should of known, what are we going to do? Oh my god! What is Nathan going to think?" Lucas stopped rubbing her neck and got angry.

Lucas: "Thats what your thinking about. I just found out that the woman I love is carrying my child and I couldnt be happier and your thinking about what Nathan is going to think!!" Lucas got up and stormed out of the bathroom. Haley got up and followed.

Haley: "Dont try to pretend you dont care what he thinks or else you wouldnt of made me your dirty little secret" she yelled.

Lucas stopped and turned around. "What are you talking about. Is that what you think, that your some dirty little secret?" Haley's eyes got watery. He walked up to her and leaned down a little so they were face to face. "Whats going on?"

Haley: "Your the one who wanted to keep us a secret. Maybe its because you know you wont want to stay. Maybe your still in love with Brooke..... or Peyton"

Lucas: "What about you? Do you know how many times a day I wonder if youll realize you love Nathan and go back to him. Do you know how hard it is to look at that tattoo and not wonder if its still him you belong to?" Haley wiped her eyes.

Haley started to laugh. "You know for two people who claim to know each other so well, we sure dont communicate very well. "I got that tattoo a long time ago and I thought about getting it removed but that would mean it didnt happen and it did. He is still the father of my daughter" she reached up and grabbed his face. "You are the one I feel safe with, you are the one I cant wait to fall asleep with. I belong to you Luke. I always have.

Lucas kissed her passionatly. "I dont know how many ways I can tell you this. You dont have to be insecure about Peyton or Brooke because your the only one I see." he kissed her neck and ran his hands through her hair. They hugged.

Haley: "Were going to have a baby!!" a little happier this time.
Lucas pulled back from her and looked into her eyes.

Lucas: "Marry me!" "I know how soon it is but...."

Haley: "Will you stop talking so i can answer please. Yes"

Lucas wrapped his arm around her neck and kissed her. She held on to the sides of his shirt with both hands.

Lucas: "I dont want you to be my dirty little secret Hales ever. I dont want us to hide this anymore."

Haley: "I didnt mean to make you feel guilty I just....I want to kiss you in public and hold your hand"

Lucas: "I know. So do I. At Bevin and Skills house on Christmas Eve, you have no idea how much I wanted to kiss you right there."

Haley smiled "Soo......we tell our friends" questioningly

Lucas: "Yah, we tell our friends. You tell Tim though."

Haley: "Ok, but you tell Nathan" lucas sighed.

"Tomorrow" they both said. Lucas took her hand and started to lead her to the room.

Lucas: "Why did you agree so fast to marry me, I thought marriage made you nervous"

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