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Haley was holding a bag of groceries while trying to unlock her door at the same time. Crap. She dropped the keys but quickly caught them before they fell to the ground. She put her knee up against the door to balance and finally unlocked it. She walked inside and heard the door slam behind her. Surprised she turned around to see Tim leaning against the door. Tim, you scared me to death, that key was so you could water my plants not stalk me. She put the bags down on the coffee table and heard a noise from the kitchen where she saw Jake walk from. She then turned around to see Skills leaning against the doorway to the hallway. This is so creepy, you guys know that right. She took her shoes off and sat down on the couch. She was exhausted. It had been a week since the birth of her son and even with Lucass help she was running around with a chicken wither her head cut off.

Jake: What the hell do you think your doing? He walked further in the room as she opened her eyes and looked up at him confused.

Skills: You let him move in?

Haley: Not my idea boys, he was determined.

Tim: Oh, so he owns this house now?

Haley: Dont try and get smart now Tim. No, but he really wanted to be involved in Keiths life. He is his son. I cant do to him what I did to Nathan.

Jake put his hands in the air. Fine, dont. But that doesnt mean he had to move in. This can lead to nothing but pain and the only person who is going to get hurt is you.

Haley: What is this, an intervention. Geesh. She got up and headed towards the kitchen.

Tim: Just so you know we got the car keys. He dangled them in front of her face. Just listen to us. She turned back around and sat back down.

Haley: I will be fine. I know he doesnt love me ok. He would never hurt me on purpose.

Skills: Girl, he dont know what he is doing. He is to busy thinking about the kid to realize how much this is going to hurt you. Our job is to make sure that dont happen. Haley sighed.

Jake went up to her and kneeled down. Haley, I know you say that you understand he doesnt want you but apart of you is going to think that can change. He looked down and then back into her eyes, which were now beginning to water. I dont want to hurt you Haley but I dont want to see you get hurt either. I like Lucas, I do but youre who Im worried about.
Haley: Listen. I love you all for trying to protect me but I can deal with it. She wasnt actually sure she believed that herself but she didnt know what else to do. Just trust me, ok?

Jake: Fine, but the second he does something to break your heart I kick his a**. He got up and walked out the door. Skills followed behind him mumbling somewhat quietly I told her this wont work, but know she wont listen, does she ever, it wont be my fault when this blows up. Tim continued to stand by the door.

Tim: Your going to get hurt cheech. Haley looked up at him. No matter what you say to yourself or us. I dont want that to happen. Haley got up and kissed him on the cheek.

Haley: Have I ever mentioned how lucky I am to have you as my best friend? Because I am. He smiled, walked out and shut the door behind him. Haley knew he was right. She had no expectations. Lucas had made it perfectly clear he felt nothing but she was starting to think this wasnt a good idea.

Nathan: Brooke, its kind of hard to concentrate when youre doing that. He was trying to play poker with Lucas and Peyton but she was to busy kissing the side of his neck. She giggled and stopped.

Nathan: I didnt mean you had to stop. Pleasecontinue. She went back to what she was doing. She nibbled on his ear and then looked back at Lucas who looked uncomfortable and Peyton who looked disgusted.

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