Chapter 9 (Cheech & Chong)

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Lucas: "So how is it going with Courtney little brother?"

Nathan was back visiting Tree Hill and was currently playing poker with Lucas, Jake, Skills, and Tim in Skills basement.

"I dont know man, she is pretty pissed right now."

Skills: "Well it is not like you knew you had a kid dawg"

Nathan looked at his cards before he placed another bet. "No, but I dont really have an excuse about why I lied about being married" "We are working on it though"

Jake: "How are things going with you and Jamie?" placed his bet.

Nathan smiled "It is so strange, 3 months ago I could have never imagined I would love somebody this much and now I cant imagine living without her"

Jake: "Yep, that is about how it works"

Skills: "I hope I get a kid just like Jenny or Jamie. Well, maybe not Jamie" he said changing his mind.

"Hey" both Tim and Nathan said

Skills: "No offense, but that kid has got to much spunk for her own good" "She is double cursed, not only does she have Nates genes, but shes got tweedle dumb over here as a godfather" pointing towards Tim

Everyone laughed.

Nathan: "I didnt know you were Jamies godfather"

Tim: "Yep, if Haley ever dies I get Jamie" not realizing how crass it sounded

Jake: "Dont worry, Haley has vowed she will never ever die" he joked.

Nathan felt anger again. He was slowly getting over Haley betrayal but with this new found news, he could not help but be pissed again. She had made a huge decision about what was going to happen to Jamie without him. He was actually thinking about asking Haley if Lucas could be godfather and now he did not know what he was feeling. "Ok, we are going off the subject here, what is so wrong with having a daughter like Jamie"

Jake, Skills, and Tim all looked at each other while Lucas and Nathan looked confused.

Jake: "Nothing, she just is alot to keep up with, I dont know how Haley does it" "There was this one time, a girl in her day care wanted to have her hair cut but her mom wouldnt let her"

Skills: "Oh yes, the Hair incedent of 2011"

Jake nodded his head "anyways, Jamie had decided she is going to be a hair dresser. CHOPS this poor little girls very long long hair off. And I dont mean just short, I mean bald patches short"

Skills is laughing so hard his stomach hurts "No way to fix that"

Nathan smiles getting the feeling that skills was right when he said she had his genes. KNOCK KNOCK

Skills: "Come in" Bevin walks in to the basement.

Bevin: "We got to go hotshot, we got some baby making to do." all the boys coverd their ears while nathan looks confused. Lucas then removes his own hands from his ears, takes nathans hands and makes him cover his own ears and then places his own back on his.

Lucas: "Believe me, you dont want to hear this."

Bevin: "Oh relax, I am not going into details, but I am ovulating so we got work to do" she said trying to pull skills away from the table.

Skills: "Did you not understand the meaning of guy night bev? it means GUYS which means no girls.

Bevin: "I am not even going to go into how many remarks I should slap you for in that sentence. Next thing you know you will be hanging up a sign that says 'no girls aloud'

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