Hearts Broken Are Twice As Fragile

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Haley and Karen ran into the hospital excited to finally be able to talk to him again. Haley had stayed by him for 2 weeks straight. She had refused to leave his room minus bathoom breaks and the occasional meal. Finally Peyton had threatened to drag her out of the room by her hair if she didnt go home and get some rest. Peyton had told her that she didnt need Lucas waking up and blaming her for not taking care of Haley and his baby. Haley had fought Peyton tooth and nail but in the end knew that sleep and food was what she needed.

Karen and Haley almost ran into the doctor on the way into the room.

Dr: "Mrs. James I dont think..." Haley didnt hear the end of his statement because she was already in his room. She knew Karen had stayed behind to give her some time alone and talk to the doctor.

Lucas turned his head from looking at the window to looking at her. The room was dark except the lamp next to his bed. Haley was in her pajamas and a had big snow jacket, she didnt know why but she got cold alot easier these days.

Lucas smiled. "Hey buddy" Haley immediatly launhed herself into his arms and cried. "We have to stop meeting like this"
Haley looked up at him with tears in her eyes and laughed for the first time in a long time. She remembered in high school after his first car accident that she had done the same thing.

Haley could harldly keep herself together. "This isnt funny Lucas, I dont know what I would have done if something.." she didnt finish. Lucas kissed her forehed and looked in her eyes.

Lucas: "Hey, dont worry, nothing happened. If anything 3 weeks in a coma does wonders for your sleep deprivation" he laughed little. "Where is Brooke?" Haleys smile faded.

Haley: "Brooke?" Just as Lucas was about to talk the doctor peeked in and requested Haley come out into the hall. Haley nodded and kissed Lucas. "Ill be right back." She noticed before she went outside he had a strange look on his face.

Haley: "Whats going on?" she also noted that Karen looked strangly.

Doctor: "The accident has caused some temporary amnesia which is not uncommon with brain injuries. Chances are in a week he will remember everything" Haley looked shocked.

Haley: "Chances are? What does that mean?" she was shaking her head like she was confused.

The doctor looked at Karen and then back at Haley. "Well there is always a slight chance he wont regain his memory but that is very unlikly I assure you."

Haley: "You assure me? That is supposed to make me feel better, wait how far back doesnt he remember?" she looked at Karen feeling the tears coming again.

Karen: "Apparently Lucas still thinks he is in high school. Back in senior year." Karen felt like she wanted to cry. She had a hard enough time as it was but Haley was pregnant and Lucas had finally admitted his feelings for her. They were on their way to a happy ending and now this could break them.

Haley pulled herself together and in a calm voice, "So, what do we do about this?"

Dr: "Well, your going to put him in the same situation he was in, same routines, same life. He will be uncomfortable but it will be good for him. If people see him I only want a couple of people at a time, its less pressure"

Haley: "I want to bring him home!"

Dr: "I dont think that is a good idea"

Haley: "Well I do, thats where he would want to be. Besides before we were together we were best friends, he will feel more comfortable with me" The doctor thought about it and nodded.

Dr:"Ok, tomorrow" but haley shook her head.

Haley: "No, tonight!" again the doctor looked skeptical. "You told me a week ago that besides the coma he was physically all right, Lucas hates hospitals after everything that has happened. He will heal better at home with me. I promise I will call if anything happens."

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