Chapter 11 (Christmas Miracles)

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Bevin: "Ok, so I want to thank every one for coming to our annual christmas eve dinner" she said standing up from her chair at the dinner table.

Skills: "Um baby...this is the first time everyone has been here for christmas eve" still sitting down.

Bevin starts crying: "Why are you yelling at me?"

Skills: "No, I wasnt yelling at you" everybody is staring at the couple and wondering whats going on. Skills is currently trying to calm Bevin down while she is crying and screeching like an animal in pain.

Haley: "Oh.....My......God!!!! Hormones!!" everyone looks at her."Your pregnant!" everyones mouth opens and Bevin stops crying and looks up at Haley. She smiles.

Jake: "Here we go" he covers his ears. Tim and Skills follow suit. Everyone else looks at them in confusion, wasnt this supposed to be happy news.

Lucas: "Wait, are we going to start talking about ovulation again?" then he heard it. It was so loud it could have broken a window. Haley and Bevin were both screaming, while at the same time hugging and jumping up and down. Next thing you know congradulations are being spread around the table.

Lucas: "Looks like all that ovulation talk did something huh?"

Skills: "Dont even say that word, if I never hear that word ever again it will be too soon" All the boys laugh. "We did want to discuss one more thing before everyone leaves for tonight." He looks over at Jake. "We were hoping that you and Haley would consider being the godparents"

Haley looked at Jake and they both said yes at the same time.

Tim: "Hey what about me?"

Skills: "Haley was drugged when she asked you Tim, I am not" jokingly replying. There were more congrats and talking about clothes and names. But all Haley could do was stare at Lucas while he laughed with Jake.
Haley opened the door to a very tired, grumpy looking Nathan glaring at her.

Haley: "Still not a morning person?"

Nathan: "Its dark, I dont consider darkness morning"

Haley laughed: "Come on in, I made coffie" she was wearing a robe and her hair was on top of her head. It brought him back to high school.

Nathan: "Haley, it is almost 6 in the morning" he said whining.

Haley: "Sorry, nathan. Your the one who wanted to experience the whole parental experience. Hate to burst your bubble, but its not just about buying santa presents and putting together toys"

Nathan: "Ya, but 6, you couldnt even wait until like.....10"

Haley looked at him like he was stupid: "Nathan, she is 5 years old. I cant even get her to sleep until 8 on a normal day much less 10 on Christmas morning." she walked into the kitchen to get the coffie and walked out to see him sleeping on her coutch.

Jamie: "Its Christmas, Its Christmas, Its Chrissssstmassssss" she sang skipping out of her room. "Hi daddy, wake up, santa came.

Nathan and Haley both sat down on the coutch to watch Jamie open all of her presents. Nathan thought that finding out about Jamie was the best thing to happen to him but Christmas morning was a really close second. She was ripping through that rapping paper like it was going out of style.

4 hours later, after playing with every toy she got, Jamie went into her room to pack some toys to bring over to Nathans, she was going to spend the night there tonight.

Nathan: "Ummm..Haley?"

Haley was cleaning up the paper. "Yah"

Nathan: "You did a really good job"

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