I Need You

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Bevin: I swear on all that is great in your little worlds, if you dont hurry up now, I will make you regret the day you were ever born. She was currently trying to shoo the cheerleaders out of the locker room. Move, move, move

Girl: Coach, dont we have like an hour more of practice.

Bevin stopped walking and turned around to face the girl who backed up a few steps. Either change or I push you out naked. I got things to do lady. The girls continued to rush and get ready. Bevin looked at her watch and huffed.
Skills leaned forward in his chair to speak into the microphone. Um dog, you want to hurry it up a little, I got things to do. Important things!

Musician: You cant force the process my brother. He held a guitar and began to play.

Skills closed his eyes and softly hit his forehead with his face. Well then, can we push the process to tomorrow broth-or cause like I said, I got things to do.

Musician: This is important and youre supposed to be helping me.

Skills became extremely frustrated; he had been frustrated for a very, very long time. What I have to do is very IMPORTANT. VERY IMPORTANT! He said it in a louder tone.

Musician: All right, all right you can go. We will finish tomorrow. And with that Skills ran out the door grabbing his bag.

Skills and Bevin both pulled up to the house at the same time and ran to get out. Bevin hopped to the front door while she took her shoes off and Skills got tangled taking off his jacket. They both met at the front door and walked in. Skills grabbed his wallet out of his pocket and paid the babysitter who had just walked in. Well see you tomorrow, ok? Ok. Bu bye now. With that he gently pushed her out the door. He turned around towards Bevin who was trying to unbutton her shirt. Skills removed his shirt and they were suddenly in each others arms. Bevin was in her leggings and bra and he was in his pants. Bevin unbuckled his belt and Skills reached around her back to undue her bra. Skills kissed across her jaw and flicked his tongue over her neck. She put her head back and closed her eyes. His hands went down her back to cup her butt and he lifted her so her legs wrapped around his torso.

Bevin in a panicked voice. Room now! Skills practically climbed the stairs like a track star. He kicked the door opened with his foot still kissing his wife. Bevin bit his ear knowing he liked that. Suddenly her back was against the wall and he braced her with his weight. They continued to kiss when a loud cry could be heard over the intercom. Skills stopped and laid his forehead against her breasts. Bevin's head went back in frustration hitting the wall and making a loud thump.

Skills whining. Why wont she sleep? He lifted his head and looked at her. You know this is your side of the family right? My family sleeps fine, I sleep fine. This is you with your spirit and your cheeriness.

Bevins breath settled. I didnt hear you complaining about my spirit 5 minutes ago. She patted his back signaling for him to let her down which he did. Bevin went to the dresser and pulled one of his shirts on. Mother hood calls. She walked out the door and to the babys room. Skills walked to the bed and fell on to his back. Their daughter seemed to know the exact time he was about to get lucky and would immediately start crying. He swore Devin was determined to be a single child because with the way things were going, sex was becoming a rarity. If they were lucky enough to get her to sleep they were either to tired from work or Bevin had a game to go to with her girls. Skills heard Devin stop crying and soon after Bevin walked in and straddled him.

Bevin: Hey Boo. She said very happily. Skills smiled thinking it very cheesy she would say something like that but loving her because that was what she was, cheesy.

Skills put each hand on her hips. Hey Shawty

Bevin: Ahhh, I love when you call me that. She leaned down and kissed his chest and just as he was about to flip her over the baby began to cry again. Ahgh, we are never going to have sex again? She was frustrated and in need of some skills. Her and him hadnt been able to make love in a very long time and she was at the end of her rope. They had planned meeting at 5:00, which is usually when Devin was still sleeping but that planned seemed to have blown up in their faces.

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