Chapter 3 (Goodbye Whitey, Hello Life)

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Whitey: "Well, well, well, if it isnt Michael Jordan, to what do I owe this pleasure"

Nathan: "Hey coach, nice to see you too. Glad to finally see your offering a real coach the job, your gettin old ya know"

Whitey: "well I see your still an a**"

Nathan exchanged a hug with his old coach, the one man who possibly got him where he was today, despite his dad assuming it was him who got him where he was.

Lucas: "Hey coach, good to see you" he gave him a hug as well, followed by the girls, Karen and Deb.

Lucas: "Looks like you have quite the party going on here" looking around the old rivercourt at old highschool peers and teachers eating barbeQ and children running around playing.

Whitey: "yah, who could have guessed so many people liked me"

Nathan: "Maybe their just thanking the lord you wont be yelling at their sons anymore or making them do suicides"

Whitey: "Hey now, you seemed to have benefited quite well thanks to those suicides'

And Nathan had, he was one of the leading scorers on his team and there were even rumors he was going to win MVP. Nathan felt so blessed, here he was with his family, happy, successful and about to get married but this place still brought back memories. Some good, some not so good. Karen and Deb went to talk to Whitey while they all sat down at a table after getting their food, when Brooke spotted Tim.

Brooke: "Oh my God, will you look at Tim, he went and turned himself into a hottie."

Lucas, Nathan, and Peyton turned around to see him talking to a very cute blonde. Nathan suddenly felt wierd. He still held quite a bit of guilt for ditching him. He had gone to college and e-mailed Tim every once in a while but life had taken over and they had lost touch. He knew Tim had probably felt betrayed.

Lucas: "Hey Tim, no time for old friends"

Tim looked over at none other than the people he used to call friends. Funny how those friends forgot all about him when they left. He walked over and said hello.

Tim: "Hey guys, been a long time, what are you doing here"

Peyton: "Well it seems Lucas has harbored a secret dream to be Whitey" Lucas smirked at Peyton and she smiled back

Lucas: "I am going to become the new coach"

Tim was surprised and worried. He knew how much it hurt Haley when Lucas left right along side Nathan. Haley always felt it was not fair that he chose Nathan. He replied in an almost uninterested tone "thats great"

Nathan: "you look good tim, looks like you have changed"

Suddenly a little girl with pig tails and blue eyes came running and screaming through the people wearing a blue sock and a green sock, a yellow skirt, pirple stockings and a red top.

Jamie: "Hey Uncle Tim, who ya talkin to, why ya talkin to them, when ya gonna talk to me, can I have money for a candy bar, ohhh no wait, I want cotton candy" she looks at Brooke "whats your favorite color, mine is green, but I dont like pink"

The whole table stared at the babbling girl, she seemed oddly familiar and why did she ask so many questions, didnt she know you could not get answers unless you waited for them. Tim just stared at Jamie fully used to the girl and her random chatter, she was a lot like her mom.

Tim: "Hey, breathe Jamie" the little girl looked at her god father, took a big breath and introduced herself.

Brooke: "Well we are very happy to meet you Jamie and may I say i love your style kid, you are a designer in the making"

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