Chapter 10 (One Night Can Change Everything)

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Brooke: "Hey superstar, guess what? Ill tell you what. I just got my own run way show" she said as she walked into the rented apartment of Nathans. Nathan turned around from where he sat on the couch.

Nathan: "Its called a doorbell Brooke, try using it" he took a sip from his beer.

Brooke shook her head a little and walked over to him. "Why" genuinly asking.

Nathan: "Manners, most people are taught general etiqate as a child"

Brooke sat down next to him. "I dont know whats funnier, the fact that you think my parents were around enough to teach me this so called general etiqate or the fact that you think I care"

Nathan chuckled. You had to love Brooke Davis's theologies. She seemed to view the world a little bit differently than most people did.

Jamie ran out of the bathroom and jumped into Nathans lap. Although Nathan still lived in Chicago he had rented an apartment in Tree Hill so he could spend more time with Jamie, he didnt think she was ready to be passed from Chicago to Tree Hill on a general basis yet.

Jamie: "Hey Brooke"

Brooke: "Hey monster." she said adapting everyones nickname for the mischevious girl.

Jamie: "Daddy, can I have dinner and watch a movie" Brooke smiled.

Nathan: "Sure baby" he got up and got a bowl of mac and cheese, disapeared into his room with Jamie and came back out 5 minutes later. "I swear that girl eats more mac and cheese than Haley used to. Food of the gods my a**"

Brooke laughed but kept smiling

Nathan: "What are you smiling at?"

Brooke: "She called you daddy, that is so cute!!"

Nathan smiled right back "Yah, you should have seen me the first time she called me that. I just about cried my self" Brooke raised her eyebrows. He replied "But then I realized I was a guy" Brooke nodded knowing that sounded more like nate.

Brooke: "I am really happy for you nate. So speaking of Courtney"

Nathan got an irritated look on his face "We were not even talking about Courtney"

Brooke: "I know I just thought the conversation transition would be easier. How is it going with you two, is she coming to visit for Christmas"

Nathan was silent. "We are still..."

Brooke: "Let me guess, working on it." she sat their for a moment.

Nathan: "What, you have that look on your face that tells me you really want to say something" Brooke shook her head no.
"Oh come off it, you have never had a verbal filter, dont start to pretend you do now. just spit it out."

Brooke glared at him, thought about it, agreed internally and shrugged her shoulders "True. Heres the thing Nathan, how much time have you spent with Jamie since you found out"

Nathan: "I dont know, a lot"

Brooke: "And how much time has Courtney spent with her" Nathan did not answer. "Even I know the answer to that nate, the answer would be none. So I get it, she had a right to be unsettled but she has to accept you have a daughter now, time to get over it and move on" "And maybe you shouldnt be trying to stay with someone who you have to 'work on it' with. You should not be trying to avoid talking about your daughter, who you love by the way, just to avoid getting your selfish girlfriend angry"

Nathan: "You never did like her, why should I listen to you"

Brooke: "Because, I care about you and I want to see you happy" Nathan was still thinking when Jamie came running out of the room.

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