A Great Life To Come

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Lucas pulled up in front of a two-story house with a picket fence in front and stepped out of the car. He took his shoes and socks off and threw them in the backseat just like she had done when she had first gotten into the car. Haley still taking out the pins that held the flowers in her hair followed him with her eyes as he walked around the car. When he got to her door he opened it up and kneeled down. Come on. Haley put the pins and flowers on the dashboard and grabbed his hand as he led her out. She looked at the neighborhood, which was quite different than the one she lived on. Although it had that same homey feeling it had bigger yards and more room between each house.

Haley: Lucas, where are we. Lucas pulled her along the sidewalk grabbing keys out of his pocket. He held on to her hand and unlocked the door with his other. Lucas! He pushed the door open and suddenly swung her up in his arms as she squealed in surprise. What are you doing?

Lucas: Its tradition. He kissed her and then stepped into the house, which was completely empty except for blankets and pillows on the living room floor and candles spread all around near the walls. Haley still in his arms looked away from him and at the walls, which were glowing from the flames of the candles. She looked back at him with her mouth slightly parted. Its ours. Its my wedding gift to you. Lucas gently put her on the ground as she moved away from him and looked around. He leaned back and shut the door.

Haley: You bought us a house?! She covered her mouth with both hands. Lucas smiled. The flames cast quick glows on her face and made her look like a goddess. He put his hands in his pocket and looked down to the ground.

Lucas: 6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a basketball court in the backyard, and a studio in the basement, for you of course.

Haley felt tears in her eyes. What are we going to do with 6 rooms?

Lucas took his hands from his pockets and walked up to her until he had his arms crossed in front of her. One for us, one for Jamie, one for Keith, one for baby, and two for expanding.

Haley got a surprised look on her face. Expanding? How many kids are you planning on having?

Lucas looked up in the air and entwined each one of his hands with each of hers. Oh, I dont know, a whole basketball team. He looked at her face again. I have to secure my job for the future ya know. But relax, after baby is born He put a hand on her stomach and she covered his with hers. I want you all to myself for a while so.. He leaned down and kissed the corner of her lips slightly touching it with the tip of his tongue.

Haley: How did you afford this on a coaches salary?

Lucas: You do remember I used to be a writer dont you?

Haley smiled and then bounced a little. Guess What?

Lucas raised his eyebrows and replied back in an excited voice. What.

Haley: Nathan is going to ask Brooke to marry him, isnt that.. Before she could finish Lucas grabbed her by the hips and brought her up to him touching his lips to hers. It was soft at first until he opened his mouth and deepened it. He pulled back and saw a flustered Haley.

Lucas: I dont care. Not tonight. All I want to think about tonight is you. Haley slowly slid her hands near his ribs until they were inside of his jacket. They traveled up his body until they reached his shoulders; she pushed the jacket from his arms from the inside. It fell to the floor. She stared into Lucass eyes knowing that those eyes would forever make her forget about all the bad things that existed in the world. They were so enticing. She could be so angry with him for something or another and all she had to do was look into them and she was a lost or found, she wasnt quite sure. All he had to do was look at her and her body felt like it was on fire. She could already feel her body begin to tremble. She grabbed his shirt and pulled him near her for another kiss. Her body rose as she put all her weight onto her toes. Lucas put each hand on either side of her neck as he pulled her to him. Her lips caressed his slowly and she dipped her tongue into his mouth and flicked it against his.

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