Chapter 13

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Jacob's P.O.V

I had to make a decision and fast before anyone gets hurt. I'm not a killer or a Kidnapper the only reason I'm in this is because i needed the money my parents had kicked me out the house and I dropped out of school. And I got my girlfriend pregnant and our baby girl is born in 4 months and i couldn't find a job until Leo asked if i wanted to join... i had no other choice.

Leo- Jacob! hello is there anyone in there??

Me- Huh? oh yea... what?

Leo- me and Jay where talking about the guy and the girl.

Me- what about them?

Leo- we agreed that we where going to find someone there related to and ask them for the money or else there dead.

Me- b-but....

Jay- But what?

Me- they look old enough to live on there own. and plus the way there dressed it looks like they don't have the kind of money your looking for.

Leo- so your saying we should just let them go?

Me- well yea.

Leo- well in that case. no. do you not see that they would call the cops on us!!

Me- not unless we talk to them.

Jay- yea like there gonna listen.

Me- they would if you just talk to them. they...

Leo- They what.

Me- they seem like nice people.

Leo gave my a nasty look. next thing i new. i was punched in the face.

Niall's P.O.V

i was trying to think of a way to get Ada out of here. i don't care if i die. i just want her free and safe.

Me- Ada!

*no answer*

Me- Ada!!

Ada- what Niall!

Me- we have to get out of here.

Ada- how? huh? there's no way out. where stuck. there's no use.

Me- have some faith Ada.

Ada- say's the guy that got us all into this!

Me- oh really? and how did i do that?

Ada- if you would have never came into my life i wouldn't be here! i would be at home. living a normal life. not being kidnapped and raped!!

Me- lower your voice.

Ada- for what were gonna die anyway!

Me- Ada shut up!

Ada gave me a dirty look and looked away.

i stayed thinking about what Ada said to me. did she really mean it? did she really wish she hadn't met me?....

Ada's P.O.V

i wish i didn't say that to Niall. he look pretty hurt when i said that. now i feel bad.

i look over at Niall and he's facing the other direction.


i really did hurt him. I'm such a b*tch. i regret it! i don't regret meting Niall. I'm madly in love with him. i just don't show it. i feel like, he doesn't feel the same.

why was i picked to live this life. why was he put in to my life?

so many questions..... but... no answers...


(A/N) sorry i took so long to update!! i hope you guys liked this chapter. i'll try to update chapter 14 on saturday :) please comment and vote!!!!!! xx thanks for all the reads/votes/comments!!!!!! <3

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