Chapter 19 (part 2.)

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as Harry walked out of the room i got up and started unpacking some of the boxes. i open the closet and tak out some hangers. half of them had Niall's things on them. i take them and put them in boxes. 

as im doing that i see Harry standing at the door watching me. i dont mind so i just jeep doing what im doing. 

Harry- Ada come on, the tea is ready. 

Me- i'll be riight down. 

i look up at Harry and give him a small smile, as harry leaves i go back into the closet. only to find a small box on the floor. i look at it with a confusing look on my face, i pick it up and sit on the bed. as i try opening it i see a figure pass by the door. i look up to see no one there. 

Me- Harry? 

i start walking out leaving the box on the bed. i look down to see mud on the floor. 

Me-what the...

i go down stairs to find harry sitting on the table. drinking his tea. 

Harry- glad you came down. 

Me- were you upstairs just a few seconds ago?

Harry- no i was making tea. why.

Me- someone was upstairs. and there's mud on the floor. 

as i tell Harry he gets up and walks upstairs. i follow behind. 

Harry- Ada, there's no mud. 

Me- there was mud i swear. and... wheres the box.

Harry- what box?

Me- i found a small box on the floor in the closet and i was going to open it before i seen the figure and now its gone. Harry someone was here. 

Harry- no. there wasn't Ada i was downstairs. i would have seen them pass. 

i look at Harry and see him looking at me as if i was going crazy.

Me- you know what, forget it. 

Harry sighs and walks back downstairs. i look around for the box, looking if i dropped it under the bed.

i found nothing.

i look up and feel a cold breez coming from the window. its open. i walk over to it seeing it half open. 

I look out to see a figure running out into the woods. I try getting a good look but I don't see much, just a black hoodie running off. I get a sudden urge to chase that person, to see what he or she wants.

I turn to find Harry standing there watching me. I give him a small smile and walk around him taking my shoes and jacket. running off to go see who that person was.


Harry's P.O.V

I have noticed Ada was a bit jumpy so I went after her. I walked out with no shoes nor a jacket. I wanted to make sure she was safe.

I have been having strange feeling for her lately, but I cant be coming on to her. Niall had her first. but I just cant help my feelings.

I try to keep my distance, I didn't want her to notice I was following her.. I'm kind of worried about her. she's been acting really strange. I think its because of all that has happened with Niall..

Part of me wishes she could let him go but the other half feels bad that she lost someone she loves.


Ada's P.O.V

I knew that Harry was behind me, I just didn't want to say anything. I think its cute he cares about me.

as I'm walking I see the figure through the corner of my eye. I run off trying to find the person. I wanted to see who it was. as I'm running I trip over what I think is a branch. I don't mind it and get right back up. only to see, I have lost the person..

I start walking back when I hear someone yelling my name.. Niall?

I start running again.

Me- Niall? Niall..

I'm running faster with every step. I them see someone on the floor ... Niall?

No... Harry.

Me- Harry, what the hell? what are you doing here.

Harry- I came to make sure you were ok.. help me..

Me- with what?

I then see blood. no please. not again. what did I do to deserve this.

Me- oh my god, Harry what happen.

Harry- I stepped on broken glass, I cant walk on it.

I help him up and started walking home.. it felt weird saying that. as if me and Harry live there.. together.

Harry's grip gets tighter and tighter with each step we take. luckily we weren't that far out.

Harry left the door wide open. wow. nice Harry.

I set him on the couch and run off to get the first aide kit.

Running back I see Harry dozing off.

Me- No Harry, stay awake. please don't leave me..

Harry- trust me. I Wont.

I give him a small smile, liking how he wont leave me.


as I'm taking out the glass and bandaging him up. making sure he won't get infections.

Harry- Ada?

Me- yeah,

Harry- come here. please.

I look at him and lean on him making sure to not to touch his now injured foot.

Harry- Ada look at me..

I look up to meet his amazing green eyes.

Harry- Ada, your hurt.

Me- its nothing..

I smile letting out a little laugh.

me and Harry at this point are just looking at each other. not talking, just looking.

I feel Harry start to lean in. I know this is bad, I love Niall but at the same time, it feels so right.

I also start to lean.

when our lips finally meet. it felt so right. as if I was feeling Niall's lips again, but that soon fades away. I when I realize..  

I was kissing Harry..


(A/N) ;

Hey guys! sooo sorry I haven't updated. my laptop broke and its going to be a while until I get one. hope you like. comment, vote. don't know when chapter 20 will be up.. xx

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