Chapter 5 (And the shout outs)

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Sorry for the time jump. It's only four months, but still. Anyway, on to the story. Don't forget to comment and vote. I appreciate it if you do either or both of those two things.

-Skipping to December 1st, 2015-

Let me catch you up really quick. Chres and I are still dating, only his friends and my brother and his friends know. But that's okay, I don't want us to get in trouble and be forced to break up. We still haven't said the 'L' word. By that I mean 'love.' We've only been together for five months, it's much to soon for that anyway. At least I think it is. But we really like each other.

Anyway, Bella is nine months now. She can sit up on her own and she is crawling and trying to walk. She pulls herself up using the couch or table and tries to step. It's cute. She hasn't walked without support yet though. Bella is also trying to talk. She will try to have conversations with us but it's a lot of baby gibberish. I think it's cute. I'm actually with Chres and Bella right now. It's a Friday anyway. I spend a lot of my time with them, I think my parents are getting a little suspicious.

"Baby, I can't reach." I told Chres. We were decorating his house now. I decorated with my family a week before thanksgiving. He chuckled and handed me Bella before helping me put the last light on. He pecked my lips and took Bella back. Chres has gotten about two inches taller and I haven't grown any. I'm now eight inches shorter than him.

"Thank you." I said, going back to decorating. He sat Bella down, so she was sitting up, and then went back to helping me.

After about five minutes of decorating, I felt a tug at the bottom of my pants leg. I looked down to see Bella there. She lifted her arms, wanting me to pick her up. I did because she is too adorable not to.

"Baby, I think Bella is hungry." I informed Chres. She was chewing on her fingers and my necklace. He laughed a little.

"There's baby food in the kitchen, babe. And you know what she can eat." He said, kissing my cheek and Bella's forehead.

I walked in the kitchen with Bella and got out a thing of pear baby food and a banana and baby cereal. I put her close so she could pick what she wanted. She picked the banana and the baby cereal. I smiled and put her in the highchair. I cut up the banana into tiny pieces. She has two teeth already. I gave it to her along with some cereal.

Chres walked in and watched as I talked to her. The most amazing thing ever happened. She said her first word!

"Dada." She cheered, clapping and laughing. Chres eyes widened and he looked to me, then back at Bella.

"Did she say what I think she said? Or am I imaging things?" He asked. I smiled at him.

"She said it." I answered. He picked her up and kissed her cheeks. I got the camera and took their picture. Then recorded them on my phone.

"Dada." Bella cooed again, grabbing Chres' face. He looked so happy and joyed. It was the best thing ever. Chres smile widened and he kissed her forehead.

"Daddy loves you." Chres told her. Bella smiled at him, showing her two top teeth.

"Dada," She started and then said a little gibberish. Chres smiled even bigger, I didn't think it was possible. It was almost as if she was saying she loves him too.

I hit 'end' on the video and put my phone away. Chres pulled me into the living and we sat on the couch.

"She's growing so fast." Chres whispered, watching as Bella grabbed his necklace and started messing with it.

"She is." I agreed. I've only been around five months, but I'm already so attached to them.

"Thank you, for everything." Chres told me. I was slightly confused.

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