Face Off

383 8 5

"Stell, come on!" Claude complained as I left the bed. "You can't tease me like that before a game like tonight's!"

"I always tease you, Claude; it helps you play better," I said as I sauntered into the bathroom, a smirk playing on my lips.

"No, it doesn't. I'm all riled up because you left me hanging and then I- oh."

I poked my head out the bathroom door, "It's good motivation, isn't it?"

"No," he said stubbornly.

"Sure it is. Don't forget to score a goal for me, babe," I replied as I fixed my hair.

"I'll do my best," he stood up and shuffled around in the other room, getting dressed for the game.

"Do you know where my lucky tie is?"

"Did you check the closet?"

"Yeah, I can't find it. I really hope I didn't leave it in the hotel..." Claude was starting to panic.

"Check down in the laundry room; I unpacked our bags down there," I replied as I finished getting ready. Claude was hurriedly pulling on pants and had a dress shirt hanging loose and unbuttoned from his shoulders. "Hey," I said, taking his face in my hands, "Clam down, it'll be okay. I'm sure the tie is downstairs."

"It's not that," he stroked one of my hands and looked at the floor, "I always feel extra pressure to perform at this game."

"Why? Because of the rivalry?" I asked.

"No, because of you. I feel like I have to prove to you that you made the right decision in coming here; that we are better than they are," Claude said.

"G, I'm not a coach. It's not like that with trainers. It doesn't matter to me how the season goes; of course I hope you win because it will make you happy, but it doesn't matter who has a better team," I reassured him.

"It matters to me," he protested, "I feel like you wish you hadn't left."

"If I hadn't left, I wouldn't have met you," I kissed him softly.

"You might have..." He trailed off.

"Oh, come off of it, G. Stop worrying; just go out and play your game and everything will be fine," I smiled and let him go, "I'm going to go find that tie."

The arena was pretty empty when we got there. The doors hadn't opened yet, so there weren't any fans inside. We could hear our footsteps echoing back at us from the walls and the buzzing of the lights over our heads. Claude gave me a kiss before he left to go warmup and I set my things in the office.

There wasn't much to do as most of the guys were healthy and none of the other trainers were there yet, so I went out to the bench and sat down, looking around at the cool, empty arena. The ice had recently been resurfaced and it smelled like it always did after the Zamboni had been driven over it. I inhaled and smiled; I loved that smell.

"It's relaxing out here, isn't it?" Someone called across the benches.

"Is that why you're out here, Robert?" I replied.

"Yeah," he smiled and scratched the back of his neck, causing a small blush to spread across my cheeks.

"I don't remember you doing this when I was still in the Burgh," I said.

"Yeah, I didn't start coming out here until after you left," he explained.

"Why are you out here?" I questioned.

"Well, road trips stress me out; I don't like being away from home," he said, "And I've found that the ice always comforts me, even with that ugly monstrosity you call a logo on it."

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