Chapter 39

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Sierras pov;

"Don't say that." Cody said as he hugged me. "Last time I talked to him, he was really mad because I was leaving. We didn't even say goodbye to each other." I told him. "Exactly. You both need to talk to each other then." Cody said. I'm not exactly sure why Cody wants me to see Daniel again so bad. I'm scared that if I see him again, all the feelings will come flooding back. I walked up to Cody and kissed him. He kissed me back, then made our way to our bedroom. He pushed me on the bed then kissed me again. We made out until my phone started to ring, It was Robert. "Oh hey Robert." I said. "Are you ready? I'm on my way." He said. I looked at the clock and it was 6:45. "Uh yes, I'm almost ready. See you soon." I said then hung up. "Crap. I don't know what do wear." I said panicking. He got up then looked through my clothes. "This looks nice on you. You should wear it with black heels." He said as he handed me a black dress. "Thank you! I'll be right back." I said as I ran in the bathroom to change, and touch up my makeup. "how does this look?" I asked as I walked into the living room. "Wow." I heard Robert say. "Oh. Hey, I'm guessing that's a good wow?" I asked smiling. "Yes. You look great!" Robert said. "Told you it would look good. Have fun at dinner." Cody said then kissed me. "Thank you. I will, and enjoy yours with Sarah." I said as I kissed him back. "We should get going now." Robert said as he opened the door. We walked to his car and drove to the restaurant. "It's so weird to see you again.. after 4 years." I said. "It sure is." Robert said. "You know I really miss all of you. I missed going to at your house and hanging out." I said. Robert looked over at me and smiled. We arrived at the restaurant. "Reservation for 2 under the name Skye." Robert said. "Right this way." She said then seated us. "Would you like anything to drink?" She asked. "Yes I'll have a Coke, and a water for her." Robert said. "Okay. Thank you." She said then left. "So how long have you lived here?" I asked. "We moved here about a year after you left Florida." Robert said. "Oh wow. It's been a while then." I said. "Yeah it has. Can I ask you a question?" Robert asked. "Yeah of course." I replied. "How come you never called. Or contacted us again?" He asked. "Well when we moved back to Texas I had gotten a new phone and all my contacts erased.. I also got rid of all my social media and focused more on school and my music career. My dads death was harder for my mom, and Kobe so I spent most of my time with them. I really wanted to.. Call. But I lost all of your numbers. I'm really sorry. I never forgot about any of you." I said. Robert grabbed my hand. "It's okay. We bumped into each other again for a reason." He said. I pulled my hand away. "So does Daniel live here?" I asked. "Yes. But Sierra you should know-" Robert began to say until the waitress came. "Here's your drinks. Are you ready to order?" She asked. "Yes. We'll both have a salad and steak." Robert said. "Coming right up!" She said then left. "What about Sam and Jaiden? Where are they?" I asked. "Sam is in LA also. He's with the jacks, as for Jaiden she lives with Dylan in LA as well." Robert said. "I want to see her, Sam too." I told him. "We can go see Sam after dinner if you'd like" Robert said. "Really? That would be great!" I said smiling. The food arrived and we ate it all. Then we got in the car and Robert drove us to the jacks house. We arrived and Robert looked over at me, "are you okay?" He asked. "I'm fine.." I said. "We don't have to go in if you don't want to." He told me. "No. I have to see him again." I said. Robert nodded then got out of the car and opened my door. He reached out for my hand and held it, then we walked to the front door and knocked. Johnson opened the door, "Robert! Hey man, come in." He said then we both walked in, still holding hands. We walked into the other room where gilinsky and Sam where sitting. I don't think they recognized me because no one said anything. "Robert, what up!" Sam said then hugged him. "Nothing much. Just decided to stop by for a bit." Robert said. "Who's this?" Sam smiled. "This is..." Robert began to say but I cut him off. "I'm Sierra. Sierra Grey." I said. Sams smile slowly faded and he stared at me. "Sierra?" He whispered. "Why don't we go in the backyard." Johnson said to gilinsky and Robert. Sam and I stood there alone. He hugged me as tight as he could. "I missed you so much." He said. "I've missed you too." I said crying. "Don't cry. I want to see your smile." He said. "Sorry it's just I never thought I'd see you again." I said. "Me either. How did you get in contact with Robert?" He asked. "My cousin is dating him. I'm really sorry I never called." I told him. "It's okay. You're here now, wow." He said them hugged me again. "You look the same as last time I saw you." I said laughing. "That is not a compliment! You look so different now, so grown up." He said. "Well yes. Puberty." I said laughing. "So who else have you seen beside Robert and I?" He asked. "Matthew." I said. "And what about Daniel?" He asked. "No. I- I'm not sure I want to. Not yet." I said. "Daniel still loves you. He cried for almost a month after you left, he waited for you to call or something. But you never did." Sam said. I felt horrible. "I feel so bad, I didn't want to hurt him. But I love Cody now." I said. "Cody?" Sam asked. "My boyfriend. He's here in California with me." I said. "Oh Daniel has a-" Sam began to say but Robert walked in. "We should get going. I can bring you to see him again tomorrow." Robert said. I looked at Sam and smiled. "It was so nice to see you again. But please don't tell anyone, especially Daniel that you Sam me."  I said then hugged him. He hugged me back, "I won't. Also here's my number. We can go have lunch tomorrow or something and catch up." Sam said as he typed his number on my phone. I said bye to the jacks then Robert took me home. "Thank you for letting me see Sam again. Dinner was great." I told him then hugged him. I went to my rom and changed into pajamas then headed to bed. "How was dinner?" Asked Cody. "It was great. I saw another old friend. What about you and Sarah?" I asked. "We didn't go to dinner. But it's okay, I'm glad you had fun." He said then we both went to sleep.


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