Chapter Nineteen

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I woke up to the sound of Sam snoring. I was confused as in why I was sleeping on my bed, I looked over at Sam & saw him hugging sierra in his sleep. Sam would never do that to me. I know we are broken up but bothers me. "Wake up!" I threw a pillow at them. "What do you want?" Sam asked half asleep. "You snore so loud." I said. Sierra woke up, & as soon as she realized she was snuggling with Sam she quickly moved. "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know we were-" she began to say. "It's okay! I didn't either, I guess it just got cold." Sam said. Sierra looked at me. "Last night Sam & I went to sleep late, you were already asleep in the bed so I slept on the inflatable." Sierra told me. "Okay. let's get breakfast." i got out of bed.

Sierras POV

I woke up basically all up on Sam & it was so embarrassing because Daniel saw. The 3 of us walked downstairs for breakfast.  "Robert i missed you!" I said as I ran up to him & hugged him. "It's my favorite! Sierra!" He said. I love Robert so much, he's like an older brother to me. "Sammy boy! Haven't seen you in a minute!" Robert said to Sam. "Yeah, well I'm going to be staying here until summer." Sam said. "Awesome. Maybe the 5 of us could hang out today?" Robert asked. "5?" Sam began to count everyone in the room out loud. "Oh yeah, forgot to tell you. I have a girlfriend!" Robert was proud. "That's what's up." Sam gave him a high five. "I'm the whole reason he has one, but that's besides the point. Let's make pancakes!" I smiled. "So how about we all go skating at 5?" Robert asked. "Sounds good." Daniel replied then we went to the kitchen.

We set out all the ingredients. "Sam can you open up the mix?" I asked. "Sure" he said, unfortunately he ended up spilling the whole mix. "Sam!!" I screamed. "Sorry!" He laughed. "Oh you two think this is funny?" Daniel sounded serious. Sam & I both stopped laughing. Daniel ran up to me & smashed an egg on my head, "now this is funny!" He began to crack up, no pun intended. I missed his cute laugh. "Daniel, I'm going to get you back!" I screamed then began to chase him. I slipped on pancake mix & landed on top of Sam. I started to get deja vu from when this happened with Matt. Sam began to tickle me, "Sam! ahaha please stop i'm going to pee!" I said laughing. "Anything did you!" He winked.

We ended up eating eggs with bacon. We went up to Daniels room. "Daniel would you mind if I slept on the inflatable again?" I asked. "that's fine. Sam & I will sleep on the bed." He said. "Actually, Can Sam sleep on it with me?" I asked nervously. You could obviously tell Daniel was jealous, mad, or maybe a little bit of both. "No. Well, I just don't think you should share a bed with him. I mean you're the only girl so you should have a bed to your self." he said. "But I always shared with you." I replied. "Yes but we were dating." Daniel replied fast. "Not the first couple of times. Plus who cares, it's not like I'm gonna do anything. I mean I'm gonna be in the same room as you." I was getting annoyed. "Okay fine. You can do what ever you want." Daniel said then left the room with his guitar. "Why do you want to share a bed with me? I mean not complaining, just curious." Sam asked. "I don't know. Maybe because Daniels room is freaking freezing & last night you kept me warm." I smiled.


I was pretty pissed at Sierra. I know we aren't dating but just seeing her with other guys makes me get angry. I decided to go in my backyard with my guitar & film a Youtube video. It took me a while to film & edit, so i uploaded it a couple hours later. I decided to go on Twitter for a bit. I saw Sam had tweeted "Chilling w this girl! You guys should follow her she's cool & cute" it had a picture of them attached. I'm not jealous, I know I'm not. Sam is just a fuck boy & will play with her feelings. I decided to tweet out, "Hey guys, @sammywilk and I will be at the skating rink in Hollywood, Fl. And we would love for you to come meet us! It's free, see u there😘"  I figured this would help me meet new girls, & make Sierra jealous.

I went back to my room, Sam & Sierra were getting ready to go so i changed fast. We headed downstairs & Robert was waiting with Katie. "Hey Katie, come on let's go now!" I said then we all got in the car. we were almost there when sam decided to hit me. "Ow what was that for?" I asked. "You're so stupid Daniel. You told your fans we were coming here? You known there's going to be so many people. I just wanted to hang out with you 4 not the whole world." Sam said angrily. "Wait, you invited your fans?" Sierras asked. "Yeah? So, they're my fans. I want to meet them." I replied. They all just rolled their eyes. Just then I got a phone call from Grace. I was shocked I hadn't heard from her since I kicked her out of the hotel room.

D- Grace?
G- hi, Daniel.
D- hi. Why did you call?
G- well I was going to text but I couldn't wait so I called. Matt won't tell me what happened on the boat & it's driving me crazy! Was it something I did?
D- no, not at all! Now isn't a good time to talk. Call me back later or tomorrow? Or I'll call you, yeah. I'll call you tomorrow. I'm sorry but really it's not your fault. I promise.
G- okay, Daniel I love you. Bye.

"Why did Grace call?" Sierra asked. "it's nothing." I replied. "Who's Grace?" Sam asked. "My best friend." I replied. "Also the girl he cheated on me with." Sierra added. "Wow Sierra, if I recall we are broke up because you kissed her brother. So we are even." I replied. Sam looked at his phone & tried to ignore what just happened. The rest of the car ride was silent.

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