Chapter Six

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I woke up with Daniels arms wrapped around me. I'm not going to lie he's a adorable when he sleeps. I slowly grabbed my phone, trying not to wake him up, but he did anyway. "Good morning!" I smiled. "Good morning." He smiled then pulled me closer. I couldn't tell what he was doing, he clearly knew he was cuddling with me now.

A good 30 minutes after laying in bed we headed downstairs for breakfast, & Esther had already made us waffles. So we sat down and began to eat.

After breakfast we went back upstairs, to Daniels room. "I just realized we never got to have our beach day." Daniel frowned, "Want to go today?" He asked.

"Yes, today would be perfect." I told him, then headed to the bathroom & changed into my swim suit. Once he changed we headed to the beach.

Our whole day was spent at the beach. We sat on the sand & watched the sun set. "I love sun sets, they're beautiful." I told him.

Daniel stared at me for a second, "you know you're really pretty, right?" He smiled. I looked at him & laughed, that was when I noticed he wasn't joking. "Oh you're serious?" I asked.

"Yes. Listen Sierra, I know there's a chance you might not feel the same way. But I really like you, more than friends. Ever since I met you, you've been an amazing friend & i've started to form feelings towards you that i can't explain." he was serious. I hesitated, "i've felt that way also. But I thought you would never like me so I tried to convince myself that we couldn't be more than friends." I told him.

"You know friends don't cuddle in their sleep" He laughed." I know, but i convinced my self that it was nothing." I shrugged my shoulders.

Daniel leaned in and kissed me. I was shocked at first, but then I kissed him back. After the sun completely set, we walked back to his house.

I don't think I've ever smiled so much in my life. Daniel just made me so happy.

"Why are you two smiling?" Esther asked with a confused look on her face. "We aren't." We both replied, still smiling. "Did you finally ask her out?" Robert asked. "Robert!" Daniel threw a pillow at him. "Wait, Robert knew you liked me?" I asked glaring at Daniel. "Duh! It's obvious." Robert laughed, as he threw the pillow back at Daniel. "No I didn't ask her out." Daniel said, then he grabbed my arm & pulled me upstairs.

we both sat on his bed & got on our phones.
"So, I'm going on tour in two weeks, & I was wondering if you wanted to come with?"

"Yes! But I have to ask my parents first." I said excitedly. " The tour is a month long. We'll be back 4 weeks before school starts." He told me.

"I'm sure i can convince my mom." I told him. I looked at my phone & it was 8pm. "I'm going home, but i'll text you & let you know what my parents say!" i hugged him then left.

I home just in time for dinner. We all sat down & ate hamburgers. "So y'all know how daniel is a famous online singer? Well he's going on tour for a month & he invited me to go with him, can I please go?" I begged.

My parents both stopped eating & looked at each other, "Esther talked to us about it last night. She had a feeling Daniel would ask you. Your dad & I agreed that we will let you go, you deserve to have fun." they both smiled.

"Really? Thank you thank you thank you!!" I jumped up & hugged them for what seemed like forever. Kobe didn't seem so excited. "What's wrong?" I asked him. "You're going away for a month." a tear rolled down his face.

"i know, it seems like a long time but a month goes by fast." I promised him. I knew this would be hard for him. We have always been together, we've never been separated for longer than a week.

"Actually, you're going away too." Mom looked at him. "I am?" Kobe asked confused. "Yes. We know you've wanted to play baseball for a while now so we signed you up for a two week camp." Mom smiled.

"Really?" Kobe asked with the biggest smile on his face. He's always wanted to join baseball for as long as I can remember, but he never could since we would move when the season would begin. It was to see him so happy.

After dinner I went upstairs to tell Daniel the news.

S - Sorry I didn't come over again.
D - it's okay. Is your mom letting you come?
S - yes!
D-  I'm so excited, i can't wait to introduce you to everyone!
S- i can't wait either! But goodnight, see you tomorrow.
D - goodnight, beautiful.

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