Chapter 31

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Sierra's POV;

I woke early and began packing, of course I waited last minute. It was 6am and Kobe came in my room, "why are you up so early?" I asked him. "I want to help you pack. Also I wanna spend time with the you before you're gone for a month." He said. "Aw don't be sad. I will FaceTime you everyday!" I told him. "Why can't I just go with you? You went with Daniel as a guest last year.." He said. "It's too late now. Maybe next year or if I go to slaybells this winter!" I told him.
We finished packing then Daniel & Robert came over with Wheezy and Finn. My mom offered to take care of them while we were gone. "Thank you so much again for taking care of them!" Said Daniel. "No problem!" My mom replied. "Are you ready to leave?" Asked my dad. "Yup, let's go!" I said. We put all our stuff in the car then drove to the airport. We then boarded the plane 2 hours later and we were on our way to NYC! 
We arrived at the airport and there was fans waiting for Sam and Daniel. We all took pictures for a half an hour then our uber got there and took us to the hotel. We all met up in a room with everyone else who was attending digi. "Welcome to digi 2015! For the next three days we will be staying at this hotel. Please don't go outside or down to the lobby for safety reason, you will get mobbed. The room keys will be located over there 3-4 people per room. Have fun, don't forget we have a meeting in here tomorrow at 6pm!" The person in charge of digi said. "Hey Skye!" I heard someone say. Daniel and I both turned around, "hey Dylan!" He said. "What's up? Wanna room together?" He asked. "if you don't mind sharing the room with her and her friend." Daniel said. "Of course not, are you Sierra? Nice to meet you, I'm Dylan Dauzat." He said. "Yes I'm Sierra, nice to meet you too!" I said. Sam and Robert decided to stay in a room with the jacks so we got our room keys then went to the 18th floor to our room. There was two huge beds and we had a view of the city. "For today you can have your own bed." I told Dylan. "Are you two dating again?" He asked. "No.. But Jaiden doesn't get here till tomorrow." I said. "Okay. So are you a performer?" He asked me. "Yes.." I said. "Great. You're gonna love it! What about Jaiden?" He asked. "Yeah she is also. Do you know Matt Espinosa?" I asked him. "Yeah I do. I've met him a couple of times he's cool." He told me. "Oh well Jaiden is his sister." I told him. "Are you serious? That's awesome." Said Dylan. "Do you guys want to go walk around the city?" Daniel asked. "Are we allowed to?" I asked. "Yeah we just have to sneak out the back into a cab." He said. "you two can go. I'm gonna take a nap." Said Dylan. "Let's go!" I said.
Daniel and I called a cab and it picked us up from the back. Our hotel was in the city but there was no way we could walk to time square with out being noticed.
We arrived at time square and it was just like in movies. "Have you been here before?" Daniel asked me. "Well last year but we never actually got to look around." I told him "are you hungry?" He asked. "Yeah a little." I told him. "I know where the best burgers are, come on!" He said as he grabbed my hand. We walked a couple of blocks until we finally reached Shake Shack. The line was super long but it was worth it. "So what do you think?" He asked me. "They're super good." I replied. After we ate we took a walk around the city and we went to the Empire State Building. We went at the perfect time because the sun was setting. "This view is beautiful. I could stare at it forever.." Daniel said. "It is I wish I could stay here.." I said. "I was talking about you." Daniel said. I slapped his arm, "oh please. Let's get back to the hotel." I said smiling. "Wait we need a picture here!" He quickly said. We handed someone our phone and they agreed to take our picture, "ready..1..2..-" the guy said just then Daniel kissed me. "3- okay here you go. Cute couple" The guy said as he handed me the phone. "Thank you so much!" Daniel said. I sent Daniel the picture then he tweeted it with the caption, "Empire State Building + The sunset with my favorite girl = perfection💗"
We went back to the hotel and I showered then changed into comfortable clothes. "So tell me about your self." I told Dylan as I sat next to him. "Well, I'm 16 and I'm from Louisiana, & I sing. Your turn." He said. "Well I'm 15 and I'm from Texas, I also sing.. But I don't have a song out or anything." I told him. "You're gonna sing on Tuesday, right?" He asked. "Yeah.. I'm super nervous.." I told him. "Don't be! The first couple of times it is nerve racking but once you're comfortable singing in front of a lot of people you're gonna love it." He assured me.
We stayed up late on our phones and talking, but we all fell asleep around 4am. We also woke up super late around 12pm, today was another free day besides the meeting at 6pm. I met up with Andrea Russet, "hi Sierra! How are you?" She asked me. "Great, how about you?" I asked her. "I'm fine, I heard you're performing this year!" She said. "Yes!" I told her. "That awesome, so do you want to go shopping, and catch up?" She asked. "Yeah I'd love to, I'm just going to change." I told her. "Me too. Meet you in the back of the hotel at 2pm?" She asked. I nodded my head, then went back to my room.  I took a shower and curled my hair, then I did my make up and put on black ripped jeans with a grey v-neck and grey converse. "Wow where are you going?" Asked Dylan. "Shopping with Andrea." I said then I left. I texted her that I was ready and I headed to the back of the hotel. She was already waiting for me with an uber, "sorry I took so long!" I told her. "No it's fine. I was early." She said then we got in the uber. We shopped for a couple of hours then we went to get lunch at an Italian place. After lunch we headed back to the hotel for our meeting.
The meeting ended at 7:30pm, Jaiden and her brother were on their way from the airport to the hotel. We had ordered pizza for dinner so while we waited we decided to do a Younow with Dylan. Just then I heard a knock on the door, I opened it and saw Jaiden "YAY YOU MADE IT!" I screamed. "Dylan this is Jaiden. Jaiden this is Dylan." I said. Dylan look at Jaiden then froze, "uh- hi. I'm Dylan Dauzat, nice to meet you." He said as he shook her hand. "You too. I'm Jaiden Espinosa." She replied. "I just got a text that our pizza is here, want to come with me, Sierra?" Asked Daniel. "Yeah..hope you're hungry" I said to Jaiden. "Starving!" She replied then Daniel and left to get the pizza. "Did you see the way Dylan looked at Jaiden?" Asked Daniel. "I thought I was the only who noticed." I replied. "No I defiantly noticed that." Daniel said. "Thank you!" Daniel said as he got the pizza and I paid the guy. "I think Dylan might have seen love at first sight!" I said laughing. "Maybe. They would be cute together." Daniel said.
We ate the pizza while we did the You Now. "Where's Matt staying?" I asked Jaiden. "With Carter.. And some other people." She replied. "So I just got an email. Tomorrow we have rehearsals. Sierra and Jaiden yours is from 12pm-1pm and Daniel yours is after theirs from 1pm-2pm and mines at 11am-12pm.. Great.." Said Dylan. "Haha sucks for you!" I said. He rolled his eyes and smiled, "well I guess it's time to go to sleep. Im so tired." Said Jaiden as she laid down. We all fell asleep shortly after her.


So.. IM GONNA MEET DANIEL! In 28 days, at one of his free M&G!😁😊

Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAIDEN!🎈🎊🎉🎂🎁 Jaiden is one of my internet friends and today is her birthday!💚 (not in the fan fic)

Who knew - Daniel Skye FanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin