Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Daniel? What are you doing?" I heard someone say. I opened my eyes to see Sam's mom looking inside our tent. "Sleeping?" I asked confused before i realized everything that had happened last night. "Where's Ashely? Why are you sleeping with Sierra?" She asked. "Ashley is in the other tent." Sierra told her. Confused, Sams mom walked over to the other tent, I quickly ran behind her."Can some one tell me what's going on?" She asked. "Mom please close it.." Sam begged, covering his eyes. "Do I smell beer? Are you guys hung over?" She asked angrily. No one said anything. "Daniel please tell me what going on before I lose my mind." She said. "Well you see..." I began to say. "Yes we are hung over." Sam bluntly told her. Sam's mom looked at me, "I'm not. Sierra and I didn't drink." I quickly said. She gave me a glare, "you made the right choice." She looked back over at Sam, "All if you, pack your things things now, we leave back home immediately." she said then left.

I went back into the other tent where Sierra was. "Sam's mom is so mad. She told us to pack everything up, we are leaving." I told her. Sierra sat up, "I knew she was going to be mad. Let's just pack our things." She said then got up. We all cleaned everything up before taking everything back to the car. We drove back to Sam's house in silence.

First we dropped Ashley & Nate home, of corse Sams mom told their parents everything. "Does my mom know we broke up?" Sam asked Sierra. Sierra looked away & didn't say anything, so Sam looked at me.  "No she doesn't know." I said. We arrived at Sam's house & his parents took him to a separate room to talk.


My parents took me to their room & had a talk with me. "Please tell me what happened because I still don't understand, & don't even think about lying." My mom said. "Nate wanted to steal some of the beers dad had, at first I told him it was wrong but he did it anyway." I said. "If you told him it was wrong why did you still drink?" My dad asked. "Because.. I don't know. I didn't wanna ruin the mood I guess. Also, I made out with Ashley. But just because I was drunk." I told them, they glared at me. "Does Sierra know about this?" My mom asked. "Yeah. That's why she slept in the other tent & she broke up with me." I told them. "Good you deserve it." My mom said,"Well you're grounded. I know you are going back to Florida. So I'll tell Sierras mom everything you can't do. Starting with your phone, it's gone for a month. You also can only drive to and from school. No parties or anything." She said. "Are you serious?!? Mom, All we did was have like 2 beers!" I said. "You broke the law. You & your friends are only 16, so I don't think I'm exaggerating. What if you did this at a party, then drove home & crashed? Did you ever think about that." My dad said. "Well I wouldn't drink at a party." I told them. "Just like you weren't gonna drink last night? Yeah. Okay, you can go to your room now. Also Sierra is no longer sleeping there." My mom said before i slammed the door. I was angry, at myself.


Daniel & I went up to the guest room, while Sam talked to his parents. "Are you going to forgive him?" Daniel asked me. "I don't think so. I don't want a boyfriend right now." I replied. "Well you can sleep here if you want. I'll sleep on the inflatable bed." Daniel told me. I nodded my head then decided to take a nap. I woke up two hours later & Daniel was gone. I decided to go talk to Sam.

I knocked on the door & until i heard him say "Come in" I walked in & stood by the door. "Can we talk?" asked him. "Yeah." He sat up. I sat next to him, "I'm not mad you kissed Ashely. But I also don't want a boyfriend right now." I told him. "Oh, I'm sorry. Even though I was drunk I shouldn't have kissed her." He said. "It's okay, it hurt at the moment but i'm over it now. So what's your punishment?" I asked him. "No phone or car for a month, I also can't go to parties or hang out with anyone." He told me. "Not too bad." I replied. "I guess it could be worse." He smiled. "Have you seen Daniel?" I asked him. "No, I thought he was with you." Sam said. "He was. I'll go look for him. See you later." I said then walked out his room.

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