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•Luke POV• (just clearing this up thats Luke up there ^^^ its not luke maile)

"Shittt" I groan as I wake up and see the sleeping, naked, body next to me. Kevin is literally going to kill me. Heck, I'm going to kill myself! How could I let that happen?! A quiet whimper is heard beside me and I look over to see Sam reach her arm around my waist and curl up in my chest. What is going on?! "Samantha wake up" I try and shake her slightly. I only get a groan in response but I am able to get myself free from her arms and find my boxers and underwear from last night. Heading downstairs I find stuff to make pancakes for breakfast and let her sleep. I still don't know what really happened but she said something about Kevin with another girl so I'm guessing that was her nonthinking way of payback. I'm almost done with breakfast when I hear footsteps upstairs and she soon appears in one of my shirts barely reaching the top of her thigh.

We eat in silence until she speaks up with a simple thank you. I don't know what she's thanking me for but i respond with you're welcome then silence overtakes us again. "Look I-" I start but she stops me and explains herself. "I'm sorry. I found Kevin kissing this other lady who was like 50 and really ugly and so I ran and I don't really know why I came here but I did maybe because I knew I could get you to do it maybe just because you're my best guy friend and I just needed to feel better I don't know I really don't know anything...sorry." "It's ok Sam I kind of understand" She laughs a little before standing up and taking her plate to the kitchen.

I hear her go upstairs and she comes down a few minutes later looking pissed. "Hey are you ok?" "Nope I gotta go" "Let me drive you" I offer and she looks down before agreeing and we get in the car. "Where too?" "Kevin" "Oh" I nod slightly ignoring my heart that I'm pretty sure just shattered.

"Wait here this should be quick" she mutters before getting out and running up to the door letting herself in.

•Sam POV•
I let myself in and I'm hit with the strong scent of alcohol but I hear Peyton crying so I go to her first. Rocking her in my arms she calms down and I can't help the smile that comes just by seeing her. "Oh Peyton I love you" I whisper and kiss her head. Now for the real reason I'm here. I set Peyton down to play with her toys then start my search.

I check his room, the living room, the kitchen, and I'm about to think he left when I find him in the guest bedroom in his clothes from yesterday but they, along with the sheets and his face, are tear stained. I try to ignore the pin I feel for him letting what he did take the pain. "Kevin" I shake his seemingly lifeless body for minutes before he groans and opens his eyes which widen when he sees me. "Samantha babe I'm so sorry I-" "Stop. I'm not here for you" I bite my lip in attempt to not cry as I slide the ring off my finger and place it in his hand. "Babe please don't do this. It was a misunderstanding I love you." "I'm taking Peyton" I turn and walk out avoiding multiple beer bottles. I'm almost out the door ignoring the footsteps that were following me the whole time. "Samantha I love you" "I know Kevin...I loved you too."

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