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"WHAT HAPPENED?!?!" Maggie screams as she closes my bedroom door leaving me and her while Jake makes dinner. "What are you talking about?" "Um you and Kevin. Duh." "Nothing happened" "Really because he knows your story and only me and Jake know your story" "Well he asked!" "AND WHEN SOMEONE ASKS YOU ALWAYS SCREAM IN THEIR FACE THAT IT'S NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS!" "Maggie calm down, I just told him a few things" "You told him almost everything Samantha he only left out about the worst which I'm guessing you didn't tell about?" "No I kinda did..." "YOU LOVE HIM" "WHAT?! NO!" "You only tell the people you love. You told him. You love him." "Shut up." I don't love him. I think. I do really like him though.

We sit at dinner and I shuffle my food around the plate. Maggie and Jake get on my case, a now nightly routine, so I take a few bites to make them happy. "So how was your trip?" Jake says trying to start conversation and he quickly shuts up when Maggie glares at him from across the table. "Kevin's coming over after dinner" he tries again and this time Maggie doesn't stop him as she looks at me. I bite my lip as I hold back a smile and set a mental reminder to straighten my hair before he comes. Maggie notices as she kicks me under the table and I wince, trying not to make a noise as Jake is looking down. "Well I'm going to get in my pajamas" Maggie says, standing up and looking at me. "Um- ya me too" I mutter as I follow her up the stairs and to her room.

"YES!" I yell throwing the xbox remote down on the sofa. "Well fuck Sam. Can't you let me win just once?!" Maggie sasses before quickly clicking rematch. I grab the remote and we are 5 minutes in before a voice stops us and Maggie pauses the game. I smile as I turn around to see Kevin and Jake carrying popcorn and candy to the sofa. "Fifa? Fifa sucks. Jake where's Mortal Kombat?" Kevin says grabbing a remote and plopping himself next to me. "I don't know you used it last" Jake says doing the same and Maggie stands up to take a seat in his lap. Kevin stands up and starts digging through our drawer of games before he takes out Fifa and puts in Mortal Kombat. He comes back over and Maggie and Jake aren't paying attention so he quickly hugs me. "Still good?" "Still good." He starts up the game and we play 2 on 2, me and Kevin vs. Maggie and Jake. "WE WIN SUCKERS" Kevin yells and jumps up doing a celebratory dance. "Well ya I mean you are both secretly video game slayers" Jake sighs and throws his remote on the coffee table. "I'm tiredddd" Maggie whines and Jake stands up. "Don't stay up too late you two" he says to me and Kevin before taking Maggie's hand and going upstairs.

"Fifa girl? You can do so much better" "Fifa is intense" "Fifa is like...idk like a teen, australian, boy game. Not pretty, insecure, baseball loving girl game" "Smooth one Outlaw" I blush at his comment and he smirks knowing he played that well. "I'm not gonna pass up a chance to compliment my favorite girl" "Stoppp" I whine as he wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me into his side. I tense under his touch and my breathing is hitched in my throat as Kevin rubs his thumb on my slightly exposed stomach. "Did you eat?" "A little" He sighs before resting his head on mine. "You need to eat" "I don't want to" "I don't care. You have to" "Meh" "Tomorrow we are going out and you are eating" "I don-" "You're going" "Ughhh" I groan. "Sorry but I can't have you sick" he mutters and I think he's going to continue when he stops and a slight snore escapes his lips. "Night Kev" I wrap my arm around him and lean into his chest before falling asleep myself.

Woah what is Samantha doing lol. honestly i can tell u when u are shy and shit the moment u let someone in its like ok ur in theres no going back and u just kinda accept it and thats kinda whats happening with Sam and her situation with Kevin

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