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-may trigger suicicdal thoughts or actions so if needed skip this chapter ill recap next chapter just in case-

"Grace" I stand there stunned before I slowly back out of the room. She had a cast on her arm and leg and her face was bruised and bloody. She looked peale and lifeless. I feel the tears fall as I run out of the hospital. I ignore the calling of my name as I continue running. I reach the hotel room and lock the door. I hear Kevin banging on the door but I head to the bathroom and lock that door too. I struggle to see through my blurry, tear filled eyes but I finally come across the razor blade. I hear Kevin get through the hotel door and it's only a matter of time before he gets through the bathroom door. I grasp the blade and slide it across my arm. All you are is shit. You don't deserve life. The voices in my head fill my ears until I can't even hear Kevin screaming my name. I cut over and over. The pain fills me with happiness as I give my body what it deserves. I'm at 6 cuts before the bathroom door flies open.

·Kevin POV·

I break through the bathroom door and slide to my knees, ripping the  blade from Samantha's hand. She cries out and screams, reaching for the blade. "GIVE ME THE FUCKING BLADE" she screams and I throw it across the room. Her face falls as she crumples down against the wall. "Samantha" I say taking her into my lap. I stroke her hair as she snuggles into my chest and my now tear stained shirt clings to me. "Why would you ever hurt yourself?" I question and it breaks my heart to see her this broken. "Because I want to die" she whispers and at that moment everything in my life is gone and all I want is for her to be ok. "No. You are so beautiful Sam, you have so much to live for and great friends who want nothing more then for you to be happy" "Just let me die Kevin. I'm shit. Don't lie and tell me people care. You don't know half the story" "You aren't shit and ya I don't know your story but I want to and I want you to trust me because I am here for you." She was finally calming down before she spoke again and the tears and hurt all washed over her again "Grace is gonna die" "No she's not. While you went in the room the doctor came out and said she was gonna be ok. She survived now can you?" "No promises" she mutters but I take it as a yes. I pick her up, cradling her like a baby, and set her on the counter by the sink. I pull out a wash cloth and alcohol and she hides her arm behind her. "Sam I gotta clean it" and I reach for her arm. She hesitantly lets me take it and I dab the cuts. She whimpers and yanks her arm from my hand as the alcohol cleans her skin. I take back her arm and continue cleaning while I decide to say what's on my mind in hope  to not only distract her but to protect her. "Samantha you are so beautiful and I don't know how anyone could make you feel so badly of yourself. You don't deserve this and from this point on im joining Jake and Maggie. I know they know your story and I don't but I still promise to join them in protecting you." I finish as I end my speech and I wrap bandage around her arm. She smiles as I kiss her hand and help her from the counter. "C-can we cuddle?" she asks and it's so quiet and sounds so nervous that I feel those damn butterflies in my stomach. They've barely left since I met Samantha and I love it. I love her. "Ya" I answer and I pull her down into bed with me. She lays into my neck and her warmth breath against my skin gives me chills. "Please don't ever do it again" I whisper in her ear, placing my arms around her oddly small waist. She slightly nods and her breathing steadies telling me she's asleep. "I will always be here for you Sam."

gahhhh so it's like 1am and im grounded(dont ask why bc idek) but ya i snuck on to update bc im a rebel lol not really but i did wanna update
im grounded till sunday and i feel like this is the longest 2 days of my life like idk what to do without my phone...but mostly wattpad bc lets be honest i have no life other then baseball, pinterest, and wattpad

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