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I wake up in an unfamiliar bed but familiar arms are around me and I already feel safe. I glance around the room and see pictures of a much younger Kevin and what looks to be his family. There is a picture on his nightstand of him and another boy with a trophy and they look to be in highschool maybe early college (YES GRACE ITS TWATT). I feel him move beside me and he quickly pulls his arms away before opening his eyes and looking at me. "Sorry, you fell asleep on the way home and Jake wasn't answering the door and I didn't wanna wake you" he rambles and I smile up at him. Damn that morning voice. "It's ok" I whisper and put my arms around him. We sit there hugging before his stomach growls and I laugh. "Wow talk about a hug killer" Kevin speaks down to his stomach and I can't help but laugh more as he gets up. "Do you want some clothes? Not like mine they are my cousins she's your age so they should ya know fit and everything unless you want mine I'm sorry this is weird I've never had a girl stay over and-" "Kevin shhh" I tell him and get up, stepping into his chest "I'll just wear mine I don't care."

•Maggie POV•
Samantha walks in the door just after breakfast and goes right upstairs. "I'll be back" I mutter to Jake before running up after her. "So?" I ask taking a seat on her bed. "So what?" "Did you have fun last night?" "Maggie we just hung out. 2 friends. Hanging out. Not a date." "But you stayed the night did u fuck him?" "OH MY GOD MAGGIE NO! Who the hell has sex after not even a month of knowing the person?!?" I laugh at what I'm about to say before saying it, "Um me and Jake, we did it like every-" "EW STOP MAGGIE STOP! I don't need to hear about my brothers sex life please!" "Well you asked who" "Rhetorical question, not meant for you to answer, especially not with what you and my brother do in bed" "Sorry! But seriously now did you have fun?" She looks down before sitting beside me. "Ya it was a lot of fun. I mean all we did was eat chinese take out, watch baseball, and talk but it was fun" "Well that's good, did he feed you? I can make some eggs" "No I ate thank you" she says before stepping towards the door and quickly turning back, "No don't even say it I ate a bagel not him."

•Samantha POV•
Jake and Maggie are hosting a dinner for the team tonight and said everyone needed to dress nice. Great that means a dress. I hate dress shopping. Maggie already had one so I couldn't go with her but I really didn't want to go alone. I am snapped from my thoughts when my phone rings and Kevin's picture pops up on my screen. Yessss. I quickly pick up and hear his smooth voice on the other end. "So your amazing brother says that I have to dress nice and I don't dress like that and I need to go shopping and I need help" He flies out. "Hello to you too" I say smiling to myself. "Oh yes, hello beautiful, now can you help me?" "Ya...if you help me with dress shopping" "Of course! I'll be there in ten" He says before hanging up.

I slip my phone in my back pocket right as the doorbell rings and I run to the door in hopes of beating Maggie or Jake. Too late. "Whatcha doin?" Jake asks. "I'm here for Samantha, we are going shopping for your dumb ass party tonight" Kevin jokes and Jake turns to let me through. "Bye Jake" I wave before Kevin opens the car door for me. "So where do you buy a dress?" he asks looking extremely clueless. "Um- the mall" "Can I buy my stuff there too?" "It is a mall, have you ever been in one or do you have a maid lady do your shopping?" I laugh as I turn on the radio. "I've been...just not for like 3 years and no I don't have a lady I just haven't grown so I have no need to go shopping" "So you haven't bought anything new in 3 years?!? We are so getting you some new clothes" "Ok, if it makes you happy"

We get to the mall and I lead Kevin into Nordstroms where we should find everything for both of us in one stop. "How bout this?" I ask him and hold up a light blue button up, khaki dress pants, and a navy blue tie. The blue will really bring out his eyes. "Ya I'll try it on" he says taking it from me and letting his hand linger on mine. "Ok but I wanna see it" I take a seat outside the fitting room and wait for him. He comes out in his outfit and my eyes widen. "Next size on the pants Kev" "Why? My butt looks nice" "Oh my god no. What are you, a 14 year old girl?" "No but I do have a girl I try to impress daily and pants that make my butt look nice do help" he explains and walks back into the fitting room. "But if she doesn't want me to show off in front of other girls I guess I could go up a size?" "I think she would like that" I answer through the door. I walk over and get the next size, tossing it over the door. "It landed on my head!" Kevin laughs and I smile as he walks out. "Much better, looks like you can actually breathe now!" "I can now are we done with this" "Well we still need to get you new clothes and me a dress" "Do I really need new clothes?! I hate shopping" he whines and I laugh at his 5 year old attitude. "Fine no new clothes today but I still need a dress" "That's fine" he says and we walk to the ladies section.

"I don't know about this one..." I mumble and step out from the dressing room. It ends just barely mid-thigh and it is tight and strapless so pretty much a perfect mix of all the things I don't want in a dress. I look over at Kevin and his eyes are wide as he looks me up and down. "Kevin" I blush and he looks up at me as if snapped from a trance. Well then.

•Kevin POV•
Samantha steps out and I can tell she's insecure in this one by the way her voice shakes as she speaks. "I don't know about this one..." she says and I can stop my eyes from widening and my jaw from dropping. She looks so good. The dress is short but not too short, tight in all the good ways showing off her beautiful body, and it's a beautiful blue that would look so perfect standing next to my outfit. "Samantha that's the one" I say standing up and walking to her. "I don't think so Kevin. It's really short and tight. Everyone will see my legs and my scars" she says getting quiet towards the end and covering her arm. I can't believe she thinks she has to worry about this. "Sam it's just the team if anyones gonna be accepting it's them. I promise you don't have to worry. If you want I'll buy you some nice bracelets" I suggest and she slowly nods before stepping into my arms. I hug her to my chest as I bite my lip to stop myself from telling her I love her.

longest chapter yet i think



so ya enjoy that and its 1am so enjoy this lateeeeee update unless ur reading this and its morning now...good morning sunshine

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